27 Sept 2024

China Fires ICBM Into Pacific Ocean - Lands Southeast Of Hawaii

“It’s China’s way of telling us, ‘Like you, we’re not ashamed we have nuclear weapons and we’re going to behave like a great nuclear power.’”
By Hal Turner: The People's Republic of China has, for the first time in forty (40) years, fired an ICBM as a "test."  The missile flew to southeast of the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean.  China announced this test "was not aimed at any particular country."

The missile was launched from Wenchang SLS east into the Pacific ~36h ago...:

Analysts have said the ICBM was likely a Dong Feng-41 with an operational range of 15,000 kilometers, or its predecessor, the Dong Feng-31.
China regularly tests short- and mid-range rockets within its territory and over the western Pacific as part of its ballistic missile program, but a test far into international waters is unusual. The last similar launch was believed to be in 1980 when China sent its first ICBM, the Dong Feng-5, into the Pacific Ocean."

“When they haven’t done something for 44 years and then they do it, that’s significant,” James Acton, co-director of the Nuclear Policy Program, told The Associated Press. “It’s China’s way of telling us, ‘Like you, we’re not ashamed we have nuclear weapons and we’re going to behave like a great nuclear power.’”

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