19 Sept 2024

South Africa Are OFFICALLY Dragging Pro Israel Britain To The Hague!

As the South African case against the UK for complicity in the atrocities committed by Israel moves on, is Starmer making matters worse?

Right, so as South Africa very much continues its case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, it might not make the news too often these days after dominating headlines earlier on in the year, it might be set to do so again now though, as it now finalises the case of complicity it is bringing against the likes of the UK and the US for aiding and abetting Israel in the genocide it has been committing against the people of Gaza since the night of October 7th.

We know this has been a months long task in organisation by South African lawyer Wikus van Rensberg and his team of nearly 50 lawyers, as they continue to build their case, it’s happening now on Keir Starmer’s watch though obviously this work on a case against the UK was begun whilst we still had a Tory administration, but Starmer has proved to be no change at all, he has continued to support Israel at every turn, a Zionist without qualification, yet as a former human rights lawyer himself, the optics could not be more damaging if he now has to defend not just his own actions but those of the former Tory administration in defending and siding with Israel regardless of the horrors they are meting out and the war crimes they continue to commit.

Right, so South Africa is once more leading the charge to hold not just Israel to account as we know they already are, but now in bringing cases against those seen to be aiding and abetting the genocidal regime, notably the US and the UK now. This separate lawsuit from the one South Africa brought against Israel has been spearheaded by South African lawyer Wikus van Rensberg and his intention to take the US and UK to court for complicity after the case against Israel brought by his country had had it’s hearing had been known about from around that same time, there have been various stories in foreign media about it sporadically over the last several months, particularly from earlier in the year from around the time the International Court of Justice decided there was a plausible case of genocide that Israel had to answer, though not here in our own of course. What a surprise I hear you say, well indeed.

Van Rensberg has been busy though. In just a matter of weeks really, he assembled a collective of some 47 lawyers to work on a complicity case. Here’s an excerpt from the article in the Turkish news outlet Anadolu Agency, who interviewed Van Rensberg on his motivation to do this: ‘When he told the people around him about filing a lawsuit, Rensburg said he received a lot of support. "Many lawyers decided to join us in the lawsuit. Many of those who have joined are Muslims, but I am not. They feel obligated to assist this cause, but I believe that what is happening is incorrect." What happened in Iraq is an example of this, he said, noting that no one held the US accountable for the crimes it committed in the Middle Eastern country as the issue was not given the necessary importance.

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