17 Sept 2024

The Jews HACKED over 4,000 Christians' & Muslims' Cellphones Causing Them To EXPLODE In Their Faces!

Several people are dead after the Jews hacked their communication devices causing their batteries to explode 
UPDATE 11:48 AM EDT -- The Lebanon's Health Minister has confirmed that 8 people have died and 2,750 both Christians and Muslims including kids have been injured and maimed as a result of the Jews' orchestrated pager and phone explosions across the country.

By Hal Turner: This old man, driving his car while using the phone, had his fingers blown clean-off his hand when his phone detonated:

Social media is lighting-up with videos coming in showing the actual detonations, and/or the aftermath:

Now that Comms are taken out, it is likely an Israeli invasion of Lebanon will commence within hours.

Multiple injuries have so far been reported across Lebanon, including in Dahiye, Beirut, after communications devices exploded in the pockets - or in the hands - of people connected to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

This is a developing story, and all information is preliminary, with numbers and info subject to change.

Roughly an hour ago, people's pager devices began simultaneously, exploding across Lebanon, including in Damascus.

Initial reports from Lebanon… pic.twitter.com/pWpDePcFUv— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) September 17, 2024

Israeli media reports that Hezbollah's entire encrypted internal communications network is down.

With Hezbollah communications now out, it seems likely to most observers that Israel will commence a full scale invasion of southern Lebanon within hours. The thinking is that Israel shut down the comms before the assault begins.

UPDATE 11:00 AM  EDT --

More than one-thousand people throughout Lebanon have now been confirmed seriously injured when their cellphones and/or Pocket Pagers EXPLODED.


Authorities in Iran report that at least one Security Officer protecting an Iranian Ambassador, fell victim to an exploding cell phone and this has prompted Iran to begin considering if the death of Iran's President, in a helicopter crash, was actually an assassination by Israel?   

One source tells me they are now looking at the cell phone of the helicopter pilot to see if his phone may have been detonated, causing the pilot to lose control and crash the Presidential Helicopter.

Now that Israel has shown it can use cellphones to hurt and/or kill people, the race is on to find out which phones: Android?  Apple?  Others?  All???

The race is also on to find out HOW these detonations were triggered.   

If Israel can use this technology against Hezbollah, it is common sense that others make seek to make use of such technology to start killing other people in other places.  Perhaps officials in government?  Rivals in business?  Industry competitors?

What about Journalists?  Has this technology already been used to silence Journalists?

The possibilities are endless.

This may literally mark the end of the use of cellphones by vast numbers of people.

UPDATE 11:53 AM EDT --

Edward Snowden calls this "indistinguishable from terrorism."  I call it State-sponsored terrorism, by Israel, the most vicious state on earth.

This was an act of war by Israel against the people of Lebanon.  Lebanon should declare war.

UPDATE 12:05 PM EDT --

Lebanese media report that the son of Hezbollah MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, Ali Ammar, has been killed by an exploding pager.

Folks in the United States should look into this very closely.  If Israel was able to do this to Hezbollah comms, what's to stop the US from doing it to Patriot comms?


-- A Hezbollah Intelligence Official has stated that the Encrypted Pagers were emitted “Beep, Beep” several times, before then Exploding near the Head or Abdomen of the Victim; with the Explosion believed now to have originated from within the Lithium Battery of the Pager.

-- Lebanon Ministry of Health now reporting just shy of four-thousand (4,000) injured in hospitals.  More dead also confirmed, just not known how many yet.  Last confirmed death toll:  8.

-- Israel has called the Commanders of several different Army units into a classified meeting, fearing military retaliation by Hezbollah.

-- According to Israeli Channel 14; Senior Israeli Military Officials are preparing for a 3rd Hezbollah War which is expected to begin almost Immediately.


Iran's ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, was also injured by the beeper explosion.


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