8 Sept 2024

Does The Ruling Elite Have An Extermination List? + Self-Hating Whites + Who Is On the Enemies List?

Who in your opinions are some of those too inconvenient for the Ruling Elite to be left at large?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Look at the size of Tucker Carlson’s audience. It exceeds that of all Demorat politicians combined. https://x.com/JackPosobiec/status/1831526486584541421

Tucker is dangerous to the American gestapo establishment. That is why he and Elon Musk head my list of Americans who are likely to quietly disappear once the Kamala regime has been placed in power. Truth-tellers are dangerous to a tyranny. They will be picked up and disappeared, and there will be no news reports. Suddenly, they won’t be there.

A fantasy? Perhaps, but it is as likely as not. They just tried to kill Trump, a story that lasted only three weeks before ending in the Memory Hole.

A list of Americans who the ruling establishment finds inconvenient:

Tucker Carlson
Elon Musk
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Ron Paul
Scott Ritter
Steve Kirsch
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Rep. Thomas Massie
Tulsi Gabbard

Should we add Alex Jones, or have they already done Jones in with punitive fines and settlements?

What about Mike Adams, Rand Paul, Jim Jordan?

Dear readers, who in your opinions are some of those too inconvenient for the Ruling Elite to be left at large?



Self-Hating Whites

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: It is extraordinary that any white person would vote for a member of the Democrat party that intends to replace white American citizens with immigrant-invaders. When roughly half of a country’s population is this utterly stupid, the country essentially no longer exists.

As readers know, I do not think that the gestapo that rules us will permit Trump to be president. If the American gestapo establishment were willing for Trump to be president, they would not have tied up his entire first term in false accusations and investigations–Russiagate, two attempted impeachments, porngate, documentsgate, insurrectiongate. They would not have spent the past four years bringing false indictments in an attempt to imprison him. They would not have tried to murder him in Pennsylvania.

After 8 years of determined attempts to destroy Trump, why would they let Trump be president when the Democrats can easily steal the election? The media are openly working to ensure the success of the theft.

Have you noticed that these salient facts about the election are not mentioned?

Elon Musk tells us what is at stake:





Who Is On the Enemies List?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:  As I suspected the ruling elite have an enemies list.

As Tulsi Gabbard is on it, I assume all are on the list who question official narratives. https://x.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1831346487969698259?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet

Americans are so insouciant and brainwashed that they cannot see the tyranny that is staring them in the face.

How does one help such utterly disconnected people?

The Biden-Harris administration added Tulsi Gabbard to the domestic terror watchlist — and she remains on the terrorist watchlist, even after the public disclosure that she was on the list.

Tulsi, a former member of Congress and a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves, is now unable to fly without harassment, interrogation, and full body searches from airport security, which can last up to 45 minutes.

This is one more example of political persecution and weaponization of the law from the Biden-Harris Regime of Tyranny.

Can you imagine the tyranny that will descend on America when Kamala is installed as president?


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