22 Mar 2014

MGTOW Infiltrators + Feminism And The Fall Of Rome + Bossy Addict

Sandman: A couple of weeks ago I noticed that there were more women then usual frequenting my youtube channel. It seemed like all of a sudden women were trying to contact me an prove that they too were MGTOWs. Since then the female attention to this channel has died down a bit. But it got me thinking, why are women drawn to MGTOW. How can you be a man going your own way if you're a woman?
And I've chatted back and forth with two women that tried to use the rationalization hamster to convince me that they were MGTOWs. One of them was married. But this makes me think that these women are either male trolls, feminist infiltrators or possibly the real deal, actual women that are here to somehow become part of MGTOW. You can't really take things at face value on youtube. This is one of the few remaining places where people still have their anonymity. And anonymity was one of the cornerstones the internet was built on.


MGTOW: Feminism and the fall of Rome
Raging Golden Eagle: Was feminism partly responsible for the fall of Rome?


Photo of a Saber Extra Nendoroid.


Bossy Addict 
Alien Gearbox:


Are there no smart feminist? Guess not.

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