5 Apr 2016

Imma Appropriate The Best Stuff From Yo Cultcha

johntheother: Cultural Appropriation is a condemning term for the very best of human interactions between different cultures, where far from making war on one another - people borrow one another's social and cultural customs and practices - and to say this is a bad thing is either stupid, beyond the stupidest of stupid things, or just plain old evil. You're condemning the very best of human cultural interactions - SJW fucktards!

Thank you for your kind attention- also, sorry for the cuts - I edited out the words: faggot, loser, pussy, and several others that people might have found offensive - because im all sentsitive, and stuff.

Clem Sams: Fuck she wants to talk about cultural appropriation, why isn't she walking around with her tits out and a bowl on her head?

1 comment:

  1. It's the oldest religion in the world going all the way back to the first forms of life. We call ourselves Kopimi. Welcome to the party JTO and friends. ;)
