11 Jul 2024

Aaron Maté Stands Strong v Piers Morgan & Co's Hasbara

Sabby Sabs

Angelos Agathangelou: Their language can often tell you much about a people. For example, those who live near the north pole have many different words to describe different types of snow.

The Jews' language actually betrays who they really are, for example just like white racists used to employ the word 'Nigger', the Jews today have specific extremely derogatory words for all the people in the world who are not Jewish and you can hear the superiority complex and contempt dripping from their chosen words for example, 'Shiksa' and 'Goyim'.

Similarly the Jews are so steeped in lies that they have specific words for specific types of Jewish lies, for example Jewish lies designed to make Jews look good and simultaneously designed to make the people they wish to trample underfoot look bad, are known as 'hasbara'.

Pay attention and you will hear some of these awful words used in a very flippant manner in such seemingly innocuous TV shows as 'Friends'.

And then there are some quite unbelievably barbaric practices that Jews have such as Metzitzah B'peh, which literally translates 'mutilation blow job' when the Jews hire their local paedophile to mutilate their own 8-day-old Jewish boys' penises and then suck their bloody mutilated penises off. Such a practice may sound utterly revolting to you, but it is happening in Britain, the US and all over Europe today.

Somewhere near you today a little Jewish baby is having parts of his penis amputated! This practice of MGM, or male [infant] ritual genital mutilation, designed to drastically reduce sexual pleasure, is well known by the medical profession to statistically quadruple the instances of impotence and recent studies have shown that it increases the instances of autism and other violent mental disorders by well over 100%.

Studying the Jews' talmud and torah doctrines and understanding their use of language betrays much about why the Jews act so reprehensibly. Jews are literally raised to be what most cultures would call 'evil', or what any intelligent person would conclude to be self-centred, with a serious superiority complex. This not only explains the Jewish elites open usurpation of western governments, but also makes that fact extremely worrying. As is painfully obvious they use their control of nations finances and the blood of nations' youth, to carelessly and callously enrich themselves.

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