11 Jul 2024

NATO Prepares For WW3 At Huge D.C. Summit, Ukraine AKA "Big Israel" Top Focus

"NATO's so super cool, until you realise NATO's first defensive move was to bomb the shit out of Yugoslavia including many civilian targets. They struck a media centre, civilian hospitals and bridges including one that was bombed as a civilian train passed over it."

Redacted: Ukraine has accussed Russia of striking a children's hospital in Kiev on Monday but Russia says that photos and videos "from Kiev clearly confirm the fact of destruction due to the fall of a Ukrainian air defense missile launched from an anti-aircraft missile system within the city." We have seen this many times from Ukraine since the conflict began in 2022 - almost too many times to count. Is this another excuse for NATO to give Ukraine at least $40 billion per year plus launch a new initiative to Trump-proof aid to Ukraine? It sure seems like it is.

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