25 Feb 2014

ABC 20/20 Returns to the MHRM, Doping Boys and CA SB 967

Paul Elam: After a less than scrupulous attempt at "covering" the men's movement, a backlash from that and an online petition urging the media giant to start giving men's issues fairer treatment, ABC News 20/20 is now reaching out again the men's rights community.
This time, 20/20 producer Sean Dooley wants to talk to men who have been in physically abusive relationships. Dooley says they are "looking for a few brave individuals to come forward and discuss their experience."

Also, we have heard for some time the concerns about misdiagnosing ADHD in boys and doping them up at the behest of school counselors as a behavior management tool. Now, from the Wall Street Journal, which seems to be becoming the AVFM of the mainstream media, we have a story about another possible motive for the misuse of psychotropic drugs on school age boys. Test scores. It seems that some of these drugs improve scores, which of course is good for schools, and teachers unions.


Finally, California, a state that often sets legislative trends for the rest of the nation, is literally trying to turn the "Dear Colleague Letter" into law for California Universities, putting the weight of the State Legislature into the end of due process. If the law is passed, it will effectively put the burden of proof of innocence on the accused, rather than place the burden of proof on school administrators.

SB 967 is poised to make an accusation tantamount to a conviction in every institution of higher education in the State of California.

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