“As a Doctor, I can assure you,
there are only two genders.”
there are only two genders.”

School cop handcuffs and screams at autistic 8-year-old
An eight year old autistic boy in Southlake, Texas became agitated in his guidance counselor’s office.At one point the child became fidgety and took out a jump rope (that had been provided to him by the school). Amazingly enough, the counselor felt threatened by this and asked the school cop to come into the office.
So the cop handcuffed the child, screamed in his face, and mocked his frustration. The cop also claimed that the child had a weapon, which he described as “homemade nunchucks”. This ‘weapon’ turned out to be the jump rope that the child was twirling.
When the parents came to retrieve their child, the officer continued to harass the parents, sarcastically telling them, “great parenting.”