21 Apr 2024

How Globalists' Climate Change Neocolonialism Is Actively Preventing Africa From Modernising And Gaining Prosperity

We have far bigger problemspeople sleeping hungry, very poor people around meIm more worried about that than Ill ever be worried about climate change.’

Authored by Katie Spence: Under a blazing Kenyan sun, elderly women toil on their hands and knees in the reddish-brown clay, separating the choking weeds from the small, green shoots of a finger millet crop. The women are barehanded and barefoot, and they work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. at night. Clearing a small field takes three days.

A combine harvester could replace 1,000 people,” Jusper Machogu, an agricultural engineer and farmer in Kenya, told The Epoch Times. “It makes me sad whenever I see my mom wading through millet. We have women kneeling down and uprooting weeds throughout the farm all day, and it’s sunny. Those machines would change our lives.”

But farmers like Mr. Machogu can’t get a combine harvester. Even if they could afford one from the meager salaries they make selling crops, Western nations’ climate policies prevent Africans from achieving what the West already has—modernization and prosperity.

In November 2023, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel use, the President of the Republic of Kenya, William Ruto, cut subsidies for fertilizer, fuel, and electricity for the 2023/2024 financial year. He did so at the behest of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a financial agency of the United Nations (U.N.).



Lord Of The Lies: A Pediatrician's Take On The Latest Child Gender-Transition Research

Dr. Cass skewers the oft-cited narrative that blockers are harmless and reversible, pointing to evidence of permanent negative effects on bone density and neuropsychiatric functioning...

Authored by J. Edward Les, MD: Last week’s release of the Cass Review brought to memory the old jingle: “Liar, liar, pants on fire; your nose is longer than a telephone wire.” Commissioned four years ago to probe the practices of the Tavistock gender clinic in Britain, the report methodically assembles a damning indictment of the flimsy evidence used to “transition” children.

Its author, retired pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass, is polite and professional, but she pulls no punches in exposing the false foundation upon which the entire edifice of “gender-affirming care” is built.

Drawing extensively on a series of systematic literature reviews and in-depth interviews with doctors, parents, and patients, she writes:

“The reality is that we have no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress… for the majority of young people, a medical pathway may not be the best way to achieve this.”

Even social transitioning alone, she concludes, risks grave psychological harm for children.

The Regime That Doesn't Care

"...they believe we are stupid. They actually think we cannot make connections, have no memory..."

Authored by Jeffrey Tucker: We’ve all come across warnings against doom scrolling.

This is the practice of waking up in the morning, scouring headlines, seizing on the bad news, and dwelling on the darkness. You do this during downtimes in the day and in the evening. Your mood worsens, permanently.

It cannot be good for the human spirit.

The term implies that we are somehow looking for doom because it gives us a dopamine rush or something. Testing this idea, I’ve variously tried to avoid doing that. But there is a problem. It is impossible to avoid simply because the bad news is so ubiquitous. In fact, I’ve come to distrust any venues that are not reporting it!

Many people have concluded that if we are looking for something other than doom, we should leave what we called “the news” entirely and focus on culture, religion, philosophy, history, art, poetry, or find something practical and productive to do.

I recently met a wonderful Mennonite family living in Amish country in Pennsylvania. They live a completely unplugged life: no cell phones, no internet, no TV. There are only books, community worship, farming, tending to livestock, shopping at local stores, and visiting with neighbors.

I never could have imagined that there would come a time when I would say to those who have completely seceded from modern life: you might be doing it the right way. There is something truly brilliant about the choices you have made.

“October 7” Documentary: The Lies

If Americans Knew: A months’ long forensic analysis by award-winning British journalist Richard Sanders and Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit provides a detailed examination of the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel.

The  investigation found that much important information was largely omitted in mainstream media coverage. including the fact that many claims repeated by politicians and western media of alleged Hamas atrocities turned out to be false.

What Are The Biggest Perceived Dangers Of AI?

...the survey results indicate that ignoring its potential pitfalls and dangers could prove detrimental to society at large...

By Tyler Durden: As with every technological advancement, generative artificial intelligence tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT, image generator Midjourney or Claude, the chatbot created by AI startup Anthropic, are used for productivity and creation as well as increasingly for scams and abuse.

Among this new wave of malicious content, deepfakes are especially noteworthy.

These artificially generated audiovisual content pieces include voter scams via impersonating politicians or the creation of nonconsensual pornographic imagery of celebrities.

However, as Statista's Florian Zandt reports,recent survey by Microsoft shows, fakes, scams and abuse are what online users worldwide are most worried about.

71 percent of respondents across 17 countries surveyed by Microsoft in July and August 2023 were very or somewhat worried about AI-assisted scams.

Israel Has Destroyed The Integrity Of The United States Of America

US singlehandedly blocks Palestine from full UN membership, $26 billion to Israel reaches US House floorGenocide Day 195

Outlier US says No to Palestinian statehood; Biden mulls massive arms sale to Israel; US Dems vote to advance $26 billion for Israel to House floor; Israeli “limited” strike in Iran takes world’s eyes off Rafah; another mass grave discovered at Al Shifa Hospital, where Israeli forces stashed at least 30 bodies; ICC may issue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders; Israeli violence in West Bank refugee camp; pro-Palestinian students arrested at Columbia U, receive death threat; Google fires employees who stood for Palestine

By IAK staff, from reports: U.S. Vetoes Palestinian Bid for Recognition as Full U.N. Member State

The New York Times reports: The United States blocked the U.N. Security Council on Thursday from moving forward on a Palestinian bid to be recognized as a full member state at the United Nations, quashing an effort by Palestinian allies to get the world body to back the effort.

The vote was 12 in favor of the resolution and one — the United States — opposed, with abstentions from Britain and Switzerland.

The Tension Around Ukraine Is The Agony And Hysteria Of The West! Lavrov

RN: All this smells like a big war! Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov gave an interview to Russian journalists about the crisis around Ukraine.