Russell Brand: Child booster shots are supported by everyone at the CDC and FDA, right? Because they’re following the science. But are they really, and is everyone at the CDC and FDA really behind the decision?
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
5 Aug 2022
How The Pentagon Dictates Hollywood Storylines
New documentary discloses the ways western publics are softened up for aggressive, global US militarism through the Pentagon’s influence over thousands of films and TV shows
By Jonathan Cook: In what should have been an extraordinary television confession this month, John Bolton, national security adviser in the previous administration of President Donald Trump, admitted to CNN in passing that he had helped to plot the overthrow of foreign governments while in office.
Dismissing the idea that Trump had attempted a coup at the Capitol with the January 6 riots, Bolton told anchor Jake Tapper: “As somebody who has helped plan coups d’etat, not here [in Washington] but, you know, other places, it takes a lot of work.”
It was an admission that he and others in the administration had committed the “supreme international crime”, as the Nuremberg trials at the end of the Second World War defined an unprovoked attack on the sovereignty of another nation. But Tapper treated the comment as largely unremarkable.
Washington can do out in the open what is denied to other countries only because of an exceptional assumption that the normal constraints of international law and the rules of war do not apply to the global superpower.
Zawahiri Receives His Retirement Party
Corbett: This week on the New World Next Week: Pelosi goes to Taiwan as cold war machinations continue; Zawahiri is dead (just don't ask for proof); and the UN declares war on conspiracy theorists.
Anti-Gentile Jew Occupied Palestine In Pictures: July 2022
Palestinian students attend their graduation ceremony at Birzeit University on 2 July.
The Electronic Intifada: The Jews shot and killed six Palestinians during July – two of them children.
Kamel Abdullah Kamel Alawneh, 17, was shot by The Jews on 2 July and died from his wounds the following day.
Alawneh was fatally injured while residents of Jaba, a village near the northern West Bank mega concentration camp, were protesting as occupation forces erected another checkpoint.
The teen was shot by The Jews with live bullets in the elbow, and then again in the abdomen as he tried to flee, according to Defense for Children International-Palestine.
The Banksters: It's Not 1970 Or 1980
...we’re constantly reminded how the Fed has learned from the Volcker era... Nothing could be further from the truth...
Authored by Robert Aro: It’s closer to 2023, yet, we’re constantly reminded how the Fed has learned from the Volcker era, therefore knows how to steer the economy in the right direction. Nothing could be further from the truth.
On Tuesday St. Louis Fed President James Bullard told CNBC that the economy can still avoid a recession and that rates will likely “have to go to 3.75% - 4% by the end of 2022,” in order to fight (price) inflation. He continued by drawing comparisons to over 40 years ago, as reported:
Bullard compared the Fed’s current situation to the problems central banks faced in the 1970s and early ’80s. Inflation is now running at the highest points since 1981.
In the time-honored tradition of throwing one’s predecessors under the bus, claiming this time will be different, the idiot Bullard said:
Modern central banks have more credibility than their counterparts in the 1970s.
Zakharova's Reaction To Con Artist Pelosi's Flight To Taiwan
"Julian Assange has paid with his freedom and his life for the fact that he made public a huge number of documents confirming the provocative nature of the actions of the West. In fact he's subjected to inhuman treatment!"
RN: Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan OUTRAGED and SHOCKED Russia!