RN: Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the situation around Ukraine.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
6 Nov 2023
Get Woke, Go Broke: Anheuser-Busch Studio Head Exits Company Amid 'Bud Light Situation'
U.S. revenues declined by 13.5 percent for the quarter after partnership with tranny pisses off customers sick of having woke shoved down their throats.
Authored by Jack Phillips: Anheuser-Busch InBev's studio chief departed the company and cited the Bud Light backlash as one reason why, she confirmed this week.In April, Bud Light faced significant backlash and a boycott when it released personalized beer cans that feature a transgender social media influencer and activist. In the meantime, sales of the beer have dropped for consecutive weeks and appear to show no signs of abating.
Lauren Denowitz, the now-former studio head, wrote on social media that she has left the firm's division and made note of the company's branding "crisis."“With the Bud Light situation earlier this year, the company experienced its largest brand crisis in its several-hundred-year history. The impacts are being felt far and wide,” she wrote on LinkedIn, adding that the firm is "prioritizing resourcing shorter-term impact initiatives versus longer-lead-time strategic bets like brand entertainment."
The Great Reset, Part 2: A Camp With No Outside
In practice, it will monitor and record our behaviour, opinions and compliance with the new orthodoxies of woke ideology...
‘Today, it is not the city but rather the camp that is the fundamental biopolitical paradigm of the West.’ - Giorgio Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, 1995
As I devote a chapter of my new book, The Great Reset, to each of the last three of these apparatuses of biopower - the UN’s Agenda 2030, the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and Central Bank Digital Currency - I’m only going to discuss the first of them here, although it comes up throughout my book, because a system of Digital Identity is the gateway to the digital camp in which the other three will imprison us.
They all rely on it being in place for their own enforcement, and in this respect it is the most important and the one that has to be most resisted and defeated.
The West Wanted To Defeat Russia On The Battlefield! But Now They Sing Differently! Putin
RN: Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the situation around Ukraine.
Tyranny Now Rules In Once Great Britain
UK women charged under terrorism law for protest posters. Notice how willing police are to enforce tyranny. Notice how our government has banned us from knowing the following information. Use a VPN or else our Orwellian UK government will block you from the following link... https://www.rt.com/news/586596-uk-women-terrorism-hamas-paragliders/
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Throughout the Western World Governments Suppress the Moral Elements in the Populations.
On Thursday, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced a ban on all pro-Hamas activity and dissolved the German branch of Samidoun, a group that organizes pro-Palestine rallies in Europe and the US. Faeser accused Samidoun of holding “jubilant celebrations” when Hamas militants attacked Israel on October 7.
The crackdown has been condemned by a group of more than 100 German Jewish intellectuals. In an open letter last month, the group accused police of using anti-Semitism as an excuse “to suppress legitimate and non-violent political expression, which may include criticism of Israel.”
Jews Have Destroyed My Home, My College And My Dreams
'I am broken. There is nothing left. My home, my university, my dreams. All gone.'
By Batoul Mohamed Abou Ali: My father once told me that if you are from Gaza “you must smile all the time.”
You must smile even “if your dreams are stolen by others.”
I was in my final semester at the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) then. I loved the university.One day my mother called to say there was someone who wished to propose marriage. A moment of total silence followed.
I felt alone and weak. I wanted someone to give me advice.
The idea of getting married was horrific at that time. I did not know how I could do well in exams if I was getting married.
I was afraid, tired and distracted.
My friends told me to take my time and think.
Rana, my dearest friend, told me, “You are strong and clever. If you get married, you will succeed in your exams and in your new relationship. I believe in your skills. The man looks cute. He looks like he has good manners.”