8 Dec 2020

In America Democracy Destroyed Democracy

'An income tax means that the government has an ownership claim on your labor like the “use rights” feudal lords had on the labor of serfs and like the claim a slaveowner had on the labor of his slave.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: In the United States democracy was destroyed by democracy.  Read on and you will learn what I mean. 

When I refer to the US as a democracy usually a couple of readers will inform me that the US is a republic, not a democracy. They are behind the times.  The US was born as a republic, but the Lincoln Republicans valued empire more than the republic and destroyed the republic by overthrowing the secession of the Southern states with military force.

Your Guide To The Great Monetary Reset

James peels back the layers of the great currency reset onion and uncovers the New World (Monetary) Order.

Corbett: Do you know what it means when the Managing Director of the IMF warns of a "new Bretton Woods moment?" How about when the head of the BIS revels in the total surveillance power that digital currencies will afford the central bankers? Well, you're about to.