Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
11 Oct 2012
Bitcoin 2012 | Documentary
Libya Then And Now - Warfalla Man
By 108morris108: People are afraid to say anything its just all round fear! I hear today a road was opened to Bani Walid from trhonaa. Obviously this is precarious and could end at any moment again.
Parasites Fat on Fraud - Max Keiser with Jon Najarian
Economic Sharia Law & a Ron Paul Win? - Benjamin Fulford + When Everything is Haram - The NWO Person - Morris
By 108morris108: Israel could surrender its sovereignty
and become part of another Middle East Empire. The Rothschild plan of
elevating themselves to a royal dynasty has failed. If Ron Paul could
keep the US military busy without fighting he could still get in. And everyone has to get off their couches and do something.
Max Keiser on rigged markets destroying economies - BBC2′s Daily Politics Show
Legislators slam advertising group for advising members to avoid Do Not Track technology
By Madison Ruppert: Representatives Joe Barton (R-Texas) and Ed Markey (D-Mass.) called out the massive Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) – a group of advertising
trade groups – for their statement which advised companies to
completely ignore the already weak privacy features of Microsoft’s
Internet Explorer.
The DAA’s statement was far from surprising given the fact that the industry is in fact focused on data mining. Considering the troubling developments like Google’s patented technology which can tailor advertisements based on environmental information like background sounds, this effort to collect massive amounts of data which is then passed off to government agencies will only get more intense.
While Reps. Barton and Markey aren’t bringing the issue of the collaboration between companies like Google and the U.S. intelligence community, their privacy concerns are inextricably linked.
Markey and Barton co-chair the Bipartisan Privacy Caucus and, in addressing the DAA’s statement, said the advertising industry is putting “profits over privacy.”
The DAA’s statement comes after Microsoft announced this June that they will make Microsoft’s Internet Explorer’s default setting one which requests that third-party advertisers do not track the browsing activity of users.
However, as the previous sentence might have made clear to some, this is a request. It does not force the advertisers to not track you.
Note: If you want to avoid as much tracking as possible (which is getting increasingly difficult) please explore my easily followed guides available here and here and implement as many of the methods as you can.
“The other major Web browsers also offer a “Do Not Track” feature, but Explorer was the first to have the setting as its default,” Brendan Sasso of The Hill rightly points out.
The DAA’s statement was far from surprising given the fact that the industry is in fact focused on data mining. Considering the troubling developments like Google’s patented technology which can tailor advertisements based on environmental information like background sounds, this effort to collect massive amounts of data which is then passed off to government agencies will only get more intense.
While Reps. Barton and Markey aren’t bringing the issue of the collaboration between companies like Google and the U.S. intelligence community, their privacy concerns are inextricably linked.
Markey and Barton co-chair the Bipartisan Privacy Caucus and, in addressing the DAA’s statement, said the advertising industry is putting “profits over privacy.”
The DAA’s statement comes after Microsoft announced this June that they will make Microsoft’s Internet Explorer’s default setting one which requests that third-party advertisers do not track the browsing activity of users.
However, as the previous sentence might have made clear to some, this is a request. It does not force the advertisers to not track you.
Note: If you want to avoid as much tracking as possible (which is getting increasingly difficult) please explore my easily followed guides available here and here and implement as many of the methods as you can.
“The other major Web browsers also offer a “Do Not Track” feature, but Explorer was the first to have the setting as its default,” Brendan Sasso of The Hill rightly points out.
Turkey readies herself for war with Syria: Erdogan primes the gun
By Richard Cottrell: The
‘resistance movement,’ the designated liberators of Syria, have clearly
failed to prevail against the unexpectedly stout regime of Bashar
NATO piled all its eggs into one basket, the basket broke and the end result is a bad case of scrambled eggs. So we are now moving into the next stage of the Syrian end game: an attack by the Turks across the Syrian border, portrayed as the inevitable consequence of hostile Syrian actions.
The inevitable Syrian response will invoke the collective ‘all for one, one for all’ articles of the NATO Atlantic Charter. That’s how modern wars are started these days, and the forthcoming one may well be long and exceptionally nasty.
Editor’s note: I have been raising the prospect of Turkey invoking Article Five of the North Atlantic Treaty since February of this year but oddly enough it has never occurred. It will be interesting to see if and when it is invoked since all of the pieces have been in place for quite a while. The real question is, why hasn’t it been invoked already?
The Turkish premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan has largely given the game away. He’s advising the nation to be ready for war with Syria. He is not able to muster any specific reasons (beyond mysterious artillery bombardments across the frontier, mere pin pricks inflated as invitations to war) as to why his countrymen must fight a neighboring Islamic country, with whom Turkey has enjoyed peaceful relations well, forever. But then, like many others in the long chorus line of belligerent attention seekers, he does not care. He is the man of the hour and he will obligingly kick off NATO’s latest ‘humanitarian intervention.’
The consistent running theme of the Islamic AK (Justice and Development) government that came to power in Turkey a decade ago has been the rousing of the old Ottoman spirit in smart new Ottoman clothes.
NATO piled all its eggs into one basket, the basket broke and the end result is a bad case of scrambled eggs. So we are now moving into the next stage of the Syrian end game: an attack by the Turks across the Syrian border, portrayed as the inevitable consequence of hostile Syrian actions.
The inevitable Syrian response will invoke the collective ‘all for one, one for all’ articles of the NATO Atlantic Charter. That’s how modern wars are started these days, and the forthcoming one may well be long and exceptionally nasty.
Editor’s note: I have been raising the prospect of Turkey invoking Article Five of the North Atlantic Treaty since February of this year but oddly enough it has never occurred. It will be interesting to see if and when it is invoked since all of the pieces have been in place for quite a while. The real question is, why hasn’t it been invoked already?
The Turkish premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan has largely given the game away. He’s advising the nation to be ready for war with Syria. He is not able to muster any specific reasons (beyond mysterious artillery bombardments across the frontier, mere pin pricks inflated as invitations to war) as to why his countrymen must fight a neighboring Islamic country, with whom Turkey has enjoyed peaceful relations well, forever. But then, like many others in the long chorus line of belligerent attention seekers, he does not care. He is the man of the hour and he will obligingly kick off NATO’s latest ‘humanitarian intervention.’
The consistent running theme of the Islamic AK (Justice and Development) government that came to power in Turkey a decade ago has been the rousing of the old Ottoman spirit in smart new Ottoman clothes.
Food Inflation To Surge, Goldman Warns

Find A Token Banking Patsy to Assuage The Masses, Peons, Paupers and Muppets, Will You?
From American Banker:
'Yet Another Bank': One week after
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed a civil case against
JPMorgan Chase alleging fraud in how Bear Stearns packaged and sold
mortgage-backed securities, Wells Fargo finds itself being sued by the
government for nearly a decade's worth of "reckless" mortgage lending.
U.S. prosecutors (not affiliated with Schneiderman's mortgage task
force, though he has promised more suits are on the way)
are seeking "hundreds of millions of dollars" in civil damages from the
bank on behalf of the Federal Housing Administration, alleging Wells "made false certifications"
about the condition of their mortgage loans so that the government
agency would insure them. FHA then had to foot the bill when the bank's
alleged "mortgage factory"
— Dealbook's interpretation of the complaint — output went belly up.
"Yet another major bank has engaged in a longstanding and reckless
trifecta of deficient training, deficient underwriting and deficient
disclosure, all while relying on the convenient backstop of government
insurance," United States attorney in Manhattan Preet Bharara said in a
(perhaps obvious)statement.
Reality Check: Is This The End of The Petro-dollar?
By BenSwannRealityCheck: Ben Swann Reality Check explains the
petro-dollar and looks at how the national media isn't telling you that
China is actively working to end it. Source
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