Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
14 Oct 2020
Another Dumbshit White Liberal Feminist Makes A Fool Of Herself
'Would white racists vote in an immigration law that essentially keeps
white people out and fills the country up with black people?'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Mary Bucholtz is professor and chairperson of the Linguistis Department at the University of California at Santa Barbara. She declared all white Americans, including herself, to be racists. Indeed, she claims America is suffering a pandemic of white supremacy.
Let’s see now, if white Americans are white supremacist racists, why did they let their white country fill up with people of color and reduce the white percentage of the population from close to 100% to 60% and falling?
Would white racists vote in an immigration law that essentially keeps white people out and fills the country up with black people?
Would white supremacists impose affirmative action against white people in order to elevate blacks?
Would white supremacist racists elect a black president?
Why We're Doomed: Our Delusional Faith In Incremental Change
Better not to risk any radical evolution that might fail, and so failure is thus assured.
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith: When times are good, modest reforms are all that's needed to maintain the ship's course. By "good times," I mean eras of rising prosperity which generate bigger budgets, profits, tax revenues, paychecks, etc., eras characterized by high levels of stability and predictability.
Since stability has been the norm for 75 years, institutions and conventional thinking have both been optimized for incremental change. This is an analog of natural selection in Nature: when the organism's environment is stable, there's little pressure to favor random mutations, as these can be risky.