21 Mar 2021

Respect People Or Poison?

The Glass Blind Spot: Reflecting on the fact that in 2021 the CEO of a Home Office funded Charity unashamedly champions disgusting anti-Gentile inspired hate rhetoric directly aimed at their service users.

Affirmative Action Is Now Needed For Asian & White Students At America’s Ivy League Universities, All Thanks To The Jews

Who's Miseducating America's Elites? ...7 of 8 Ivy League Presidents Are Jews

'The problem isn’t radical students or liberal self-hatred. The rot corroding our institutions of higher learning, like many other failing American institutions, is Jewish racial dominance.'

By Eric Striker: As American academia finishes transitioning into an even more intellectually repressive nightmare, talented professors are quitting and the value of a college education has plummeted.

Ivy League schools naturally set the tempo for less prestigious colleges. Gender ideology and critical race theory begins to metastasize once the factories churning out tomorrow’s elites institutionally embrace such rubbish.

The Media Is Institutionally Racist Against White People

Paul Joseph Watson:

The reality behind the "Asian hate crime" narrative.

The Anti-Gentile Jews' Theft of Palestine Is Almost Complete

Look at the 4 maps. It shows the country’s disappearance and incorporation within Jewish "IsRealHell". Only three mega concentration camps, Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem remain where the Jewish Green Shirts keep indigenous Gentile survivors behind "Apartheid Walls".

“Unprecedented escalation” in The Jews attacks against Gentiles in occupied Palestine!

The unprecedented number and intensity of The Jews' attacks during the past few months are raising fears that The Jews decades long slow motion genocide of Palestinian Gentiles is about to go into overdrive for the final slaughter.

By Mohammed Najib: Palestinian Saeed Alyan Awad was on the way to his land with his wife when 10 Jewish land thieves attacked them near the illegal Jewish Mitzpe Yair settlement.