Dr. Ron Paul: Busted by their own emails! Fauci and his boss, NIH Director Francis Collins, engaged in a conspiracy to defame and destroy the work of three prominent scientists from Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford, which challenged the Fauci/Collins lockdown strategy to address last year's virus outbreak. Thanks to a Freedom of Information request we see how Anthony "I'm the science" Fauci really operates behind the scenes. Also today, Fauci says force your fully-vaxxed family members to take a covid test before tucking into the turkey.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
20 Dec 2021
A Chronicle Of The Zio-Jews' Terrible Actions Against Gentiles in Occupied Palestine So Far In 2021
The Jews have outdone themselves in 2021 – destroying large swaths of their Gaza mega concentration camp where they keep indigenous Gentiles, shooting to kill Gentile protesters, murdering and torturing Gentile children and babies and more. Here is a rundown of the year’s anti-Gentile violence with hopes that together, we can work to bring justice against the Jews and peace in 2022.
By Kathryn Shihadah: 2021 has been quite a year for all of us, marked for many by several significant events.
“It's All Rigged!” Government Insider REVEALS
Russell Brand: Can the system ever change or are we stuck?! Yanis Varoufakis warns how the state has been corrupted by greedy and self-seeking politicians and whether we can turn to alternative systems.
Why Don't People "Trust The Science?" Because Scientists Are Often Caught Lying
Science is quickly becoming a political religion rather than a bastion of critical thought...
It’s not that schools directly enforce a collectivist or corporatist ideology (sometimes they do), it’s more that they filter out alternative viewpoints as well as facts and evidence they do not like until all that is left is a single path and a single conclusion to any given problem.