31 Dec 2020

Divide And Conquer: Teaching Women To Hate Men And Blacks To Hate Whites

Just as main stream media and 'Duluth' model preaching universities dominated by feminists teach society to hate men who they say are to blame for all ills... “How could you help but hate white people if everyone - from the President on down - tells you that white people are cheating you and hurting you every day."

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: As I have emphasized for many years, white liberals simultaneously tout the virtues of a diverse multicultural society while teaching black people to hate white people.  Clearly, white liberals are not very smart and are incapable of comprehending the contradiction in their position.

Asymptomatic Transmission Of COVID-19 Didn’t Occur At All ~ Study Of 10 Million People Finds

PCR: This historical chart shows that the much hyped Covid death rate is extremely low and does not justify the pandemic designation.