It can be absolutely soul crushing when you discover that the "bright future" that the system had been promising you for so many years turns out to be a lie. A lot of young people ultimately give up on the system and many of them end up just kind of drifting aimlessly through life.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
5 Oct 2013
Working Class Debt Slaves - Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert with Michael Hudson + The Truth About Markets
Swiss May Grant Unconditional Income For All
Time for the Blogosphere to Fight the Establishment on its own terms
Maybe the Resistance needs to be less virtual and more litigious

One is undoubtedly that I have pulled back dramatically from investigation-generated news of an exclusive nature. Not only was it becoming very expensive and time-consuming, I found that it attracted rubber-neckers for a day or two, who then drifted off again. Above any other consideration influencing my decision, however, is the essentially transient, generic nature of ‘news’: news rarely explains, it merely records. News-junkies devour it voraciously but usually have little interest in overall socio-cultural change. The loyal, regular followers The Slog attracts today stand at around 6-7000 in number. By and large, they are people who know the human race is facing a potentially catastrophic crisis – very probably the collapse of personal liberty, genuine democracy, material well-being, and the rule of egalitarian Law for most of us. That is still, let’s face it, the view of a tiny minority.
Jesse Ventura Calls For "American Revolution" Against The "Corrupt System"
On the day UK MP says "people arent dying in the streets" + My next project: The War Machine - The BBC Sucks O Cocks News
Remembering Daniel Gauntlett
the artist taxi driver
the artist taxi driver
Nazi Rhetoric? Ecuador slams 'baby bomber' Obama's exceptionalism stance
Apple, After 2-Year Fight, Fails to Squash Little Café in Germany

But when it came to a small cafe in the town of
Bonn, the former capital of former West Germany, Apple figured it out
very quickly.
A gal named Christin Römer opened her café in May
2011 and called it “Apfelkind,” German for apple child, the name of a
nearby orchard. Its logo was a red apple, not bitten into, but with the
silhouette of a girl’s head ingeniously superimposed. A cute logo,
feminine, playful, and not at all reminiscent of Apple’s bitten-into
apple, other than that both were playing on the theme of an apple.
PERSONAL SPACE: Why this decade will be remembered as the one where privacy went public

The Slog: By one means or another – retail customer information files, EFTPOS, the internet, Satnav, social networking sites, ISP deals done with national security agencies, and the merging of visual, written and aural media – IT has ensured that everyone now is a target. From here on, all we are looking at is target practice: a training programme for snoopers that will one day ensure those in charge will be advising us when to take a dump and ordering us to buy stuff, or else.
The European Parliament – the sole and tiny bit of the EU that is elected – has decided to probe claims that the UK’s central spying control centre GCHQ launched a cyber attack on a Belgian telecom firm. Allegations that GCHQ attempted to hack into Belgacom – whose customers include the EU’s own offices in Brussels – were revealed in documents leaked by Edward Snowden.
This next bit will knock you dead: Britain said the EU “did not have the power to investigate”. And GCHQ claimed it “works within a strict legal framework.”
The “Hyper-meritocracy” – an Oxymoron Led by Criminal Morons

Unarmed Woman Executed In Front of (US) Nation's Capitol
30 Statistics About Americans Under The Age Of 30 That Will Blow Your Mind (Europeans Too)
It can be absolutely soul crushing when you discover that the "bright future" that the system had been promising you for so many years turns out to be a lie. A lot of young people ultimately give up on the system and many of them end up just kind of drifting aimlessly through life.
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