Corbett: If a picture is worth a thousand words, then it stands to reason that truth art can be as good as a podcast for waking people up to the bigger agenda. On this edition of #SolutionsWatch, James explores the ways the visual media can be used to communicate ideas, from the cerebral to the satirical to the emotional. He also explores how creative play in the visual arts can be a highly effective way to de-stress, to focus the mind, and to foster habits that don't rely on screen time and electronic devices.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
1 Apr 2022
‘We’re Going Through Hell’ Injured Mariupol Resident Says Ukrainian Army Shooting Their Own Civilians + The Debate
"Europe and The USA said that it's only Russia who shoots. This is not true! Not True! ...Ukraine shot, they want us to go away from there! They want civilians to leave the territory and we do not leave, we sit in our basements! They don't care about anything. ...They just hate us because we are Donbass! They hate us! They've been hating us for such a long time!"
The Long Term Effects Of The Jabs
"The vaccines create vaccine addicts! ...The vaccines are killing your heart. Eight to sixteen times the baseline risk! ...People who claim they took the jabs to keep a roof over their heads, or feed their families, how do you suppose you'll do that when you're dead?"
Today Is Russia's Deadline For Ruble Gas Payments - Russia Will No Longer Accept Dollars & Euros - Will Shut Off Exports
"In a situation where the financial system of the Western countries is used as a weapon, when companies from these countries refuse to fulfill contracts with Russian banks, enterprises, individuals, when assets in dollars and euros are frozen, it makes no sense to use the currencies of these countries." -Putin
"Today I signed a decree that establishes the rules for trading Russian natural gas with the so-called unfriendly states.
German Chemical Giant Warns Of "Total Collapse" If Russian Gas Supply Cut "There Is A Risk Of Famine."
"To put it bluntly: This
could bring the German economy into its worst crisis since the end of
the Second World War and destroy our prosperity."
Company CEO Martin Brudermuller issued the words in an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine
newspaper just ahead of German officials by midweek giving an "early
warning" to industries and the population of possible natural gas
shortages, as Russia appears ready to firmly hold to Putin's recent
declaration that "unfriendly countries" must settle energy payments in
rubles, related to the Ukraine crisis and resultant Western sanctions.
Modern Woman Are Driving Men Insane!
"Black men's ethnic image was assaulted by Will Smith. He Did This To Us! ...We have to stop incentivizing women's selfishness! ...If you have a family court system that incentivizes broken families, where a woman can get the child and resources, what do you think we're going to get? We're going to get a society where men are saying, well, it wise for me to risk marrying a woman?" -Kevin Samuels
Chris Hedges & Lee Camp - On Censorship In The Most Crucial Times- You Are Being Shadow Banned!
"All of us who've been following this have watched the steady progression of marginalization, demonization and censorship." Said Chris Hedges.