By anonymous:The development of the United States (and, possibly, Australia) was different from that of Europe. Ambiguity and vagueness infused our culture. When we secured the Louisiana Purchase, no one really, truly, knew how far west or north it extended (perhaps due to the primitive cartography). It was a huge flowing mass of land; and this affected how we communicated and thought. “There’s gold in them thar’ hills,” “Something’s happenin’ down that-a-way,” “I hear there’s a job in the next valley,” “Go west, young man.” Such uncertainty–that of the wanderer–enriched our culture.
By Annelies Keuleers: The setting sun painted the houses on the hills of East Jerusalem yellow. A few ducks and chickens scrambled around amid a seemingly random collection of items. Qusay Burqan stands in front of the rubble of a barrack where he used to store food for his sheep. Israeli municipal authorities demolished his house and two structures for his sheep and chicken, along with his brother’s house on 30 April. Annelies Keuleers The items had been rescued from Qusay Burqan’s house, demolished at the end of April when Israeli municipal authorities sent in bulldozers to Wadi Yasul, between the Silwan and Abu Tur neighborhoods of occupied East Jerusalem, to clear away the homes of Qusay and his brother Anas. Eleven people were left homeless, including seven children, and Qusay said he felt almost numb when it happened. “It is hard to explain how I felt. I knew my hands were tied,” Qusay remembered, having placed two chairs in front of the rubble to sit and talk with this reporter. “I saw all of this happening before my eyes and I could not do anything because any move I would make, they would beat and arrest me.”
By Tim Patten:For most teen boys 12 and older, sex is everything. In fact, experts have concluded that boys think about the subject every seven seconds. It is natural for males – straight ones – often find themselves deeply attracted to the visual elements of the female persona, including their bodies and the way they do their make-up and present themselves. This fascination with the “seeable” likely explains the persistent interest in sensuous and sexual images in magazines and video games, and porn. But this is not something that boys and men keep hidden even though boys are shamed when they express most any visual interest in a girl or girls. And, beginning at a young age, females quickly become aware of this male trait, which serves to stoke and stimulate an instinctual interest in attracting the attentions of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, this often sets in motion a toxic feline regimen where significant amounts of time and money are spent on preening and primping in an effort to win out over rivals. Sometimes known as attention whores.