Affluence Economics: Low-Inflation and “Fool” Employment
That’s where we have been finding ourselves in the United States for more than three decades, sporting a government of the powerful affluent, whether ran by the apostles of Tweedledee, or the disciples of Tweedledum, lying to the citizenship in all aspects that matter, be it their security, human rights or economic health.
We might think that Washington is as pitchfork-worthy today as France was in 1787, or Tsarist Russia in 1917; however, we are still likely a few leagues away from the igniting point that sparks a true revolution, where reality sets in and replaces the mirage created by economic-political brainwashing. Not quite there yet, the number of people struggling to put food on the table, although increasing at an accelerating pace, still only represents about 20 percent of those privileged in not having to receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits... those contemptible, dignity-stripped food stamps.
In the US we live in two interconnected economic worlds; however, we are brainwashed into believing we are a single, if diverse, society, with one economy, one flag, and one common destiny. But we are not; we are a 2-tier society of haves and have-nots with two distinct economies operating side by side.