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Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
6 Dec 2011
UK Cop Doublespeak: Peaceful Protest Is Terror?
Narco-terrorists, suicidal jihadists, and Occupy London? While few would see any connection between peaceful British activists protesting economic inequality and the world’s most notorious terrorist groups, London police beg to differ.
The City of London Police is under fire after issuing a letter warning local business and banks of potential terrorist threats that include Occupy London demonstrators, the Independent reports.
In a December 2 document entitled "Terrorism/Extremism Update", recent activities by the Colombian group FARC, Al Qaeda in Pakistan, and the Belarusian subway bombers were outlined.
Then, in a section labeled “Domestic”, the Occupy London protest movement and its “anti-capitalist” activities were listed as being worrisome.
The letter went on to ask citizens to be vigilant, as individuals fitting the “anti-capitalist profile” had allegedly been carrying out reconnaissance in the area.
The bulletin was passed on to activists in London’s Finsbury Square encampment by one of the police’s “trusted partners”. Apparently, not all business owners agree with the police’s assessment that protesters rallying for affordable housing and social justice are in league with groups guilty of kidnapping and indiscriminate killings.
In a statement posted on the Occupy London website, the group was troubled by the implications of a police force in a supposedly open society that would lump in peaceful protesters with terrorists groups:
"Activism is not a crime and the desire to participate in democratic decision-making should not be a cause for concern for the police in any free society. An institution that confuses active citizens with criminals and equates Al Qaeda with efforts to reimagine the city is an institution in danger of losing its way," Source
Global Financial Collapse: What makes it tick?
The mind becomes confused and dismayed when confronted with chaotic situations it can hardly figure out - situations such as today’s Global Financial Woes. Maybe we’re looking too close-up. Let’s take a step back and look again...
Complexity is often engineered into what are basically simple problems by people who benefit from manufactured complications and have the power to control them. When money is involved, the powerful people who benefit from ripping off untold millions of hard workers make sure that their “money machine” will just keep steaming ahead. Take the ongoing Global Financial Crisis.

Firstly, it is not a “crisis” at all: what the world is confronted with today is a full-fledged, irreversible and unsustainable Global Financial Collapse that, if not properly addressed, may bring down the whole global economy with it.
Secondly, this has pushed the Real Economy into a “crisis” from which, if proper measures are taken, it can – and must! – be saved.Because all national economies are basically intact (although many have been badly clobbered!) they can be brought back to health.
Thirdly, the real core of today’s problem is that Finance – that virtual world of banking, fractional lending, usury compound interest, fraudulent derivatives, casino-like speculative “investments” and other parasitic and anti-social activities – has illegitimately risen above the Real Economy which is the world of work, production, manufacturing, effort, toil, sweat and creativity.
In numbers, we see that today Finance has grown to be 20, perhaps 30 times larger than the Real Economy.
First Key Question: HOW AND WHY did that happen?
Easy: all you need to grow Finance is to design a complex, perverse and fraudulent Model that will allow bankers and traders to type in irrational formulae into a Computer Spreadsheet (Spreadsheets never complain: they will compound interest and unsavory profits with no sweat!), so that it churns out “profits” for the few, making them grow and grow and grow. The Real Economy, however, uses WORK as its input, not funny virtual numbers. And work is what runs planet Earth: you need work, talent and effort to build new cars or airplanes or clothes or new homes or roads; work to bake more bread and harvest more food.That’s why the Real Economy can only grow arithmetically, whilst Virtual Finance can grow exponentially… Ah, there’s the rub!
Second Key Question: WHO made that happen?
Global Power Elite international bankers have been doing this openly, knowing few will understand what is actually happening. I mean, was not it former US Federal Reserve Bank governor Alan Greenspan who, during a black-tie Washington DC dinner of the American Enterprise Institute on 5 December 1996, “explained” away such inexplicable growth as being due to “irrational exuberance”? What a solid technical explanation coming from the then No. 1 Central Banker!
This fraudulent but extremely (and illegitimately) strong Money Power minority controlling Finance today have made it grow like a cancerous tumor. Starting in 2008 with the collapses of Bear Stearns, AIG, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers and the bailouts of Goldman Sachs, CitiCorp, HSBC and Bank of America, Finance today seems to have “metastasized” and now threatens to kill parts of the global Real Economy. So… we had better do something about this, and quickly. And “doing something” means more than just fighting on the streets and throwing rocks at the police (although admittedly, that is often a necessary collective first step).
Finance has usurped the upper echelons which do not legitimately belong to it but rather to the Real Economy. It is the Real Economy that must always be on top because that is where True Value is created. Finance, in turn, must always be subordinated to the Real Economy, not the other way around. This means that today’s key problem is that the whole economic-financial-monetary system is upside down… We need to immediately put it right-side-up again!!
Third Key Question: WHERE to start?
It starts with each country taking back their central bank so that it will provide the necessary amount of interest-free money to meet the needs of the Real National Economy, so that all the powerful funny-money bankers can be routed. That means freeing your central bank from global banker control.Former Argentine president Juan Domingo Perón did just that 60 years ago and the Powers That Be bombed him out of power. Muammar Gaddafi did that much more recently, and look at what happened to him….
“Money is a Powerful Lord”, 17th Century Spanish poet Don Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas once said. Four centuries later, nothing new under the sun… Source
Ron Paul Defends The 99%: 'It's A Very Healthy Movement'
During a campaign stop in Concord, Ron Paul was asked for his thoughts
about Occupy Wall Street. The video was recorded in late November of
2011. The Congressman and presidential candidate is known for
departing from other Republican politicians on many issues. His
thoughts on the #Occupy movement is no exception. Source
Should Greece Pull Out of the Euro? - Prof. Costas Lapavitsas
Revolutionary Rap in Tahrir Square, Cairo
'Feckless parents' vs Reckless banks - Keiser Report
The euro's time is almost up - S&P's announcement shook international markets
The euro's time is almost up - so says one of the big three credit rating agencies as it prepares for a mass eurozone debt downgrade. S&P's announcement shook international markets, with investors cutting and running on European holdings.
Especially worrying for them this time is that even Germany, seen as the EU's backbone, is not being spared. Standard & Poor’s justified its decision by pointing out the bloc's consistent failure to stem its debts, even as nations saw their bond interest rates rocket.
But all is not yet lost, with EU leaders gathering in Brussels on Thursday for what is expected to be their last chance to come up with a final, lasting solution.
The eurozone crisis has been good fodder for cartoonists, but it is no laughing matter. Four major rescue packages, numerous unpopular austerity measures, two years and hundreds of billions of euros in bailouts later – it is still in need of a shot from that elusive “big bazooka” solution.
Hopes are high that the December 9 EU summit will finally be a decisive day for the euro’s future.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is pushing for a treaty change with a “fiscal union” as the end goal. She wants Brussels to have veto powers over national budget plans that breach EU limits, automatic sanctions for debt violators and a day in court for repeat offenders. In a word, Merkel wants to impose discipline.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy is generally on the same page, but is resisting giving more powers to Brussels.
“Whoever pays the piper gets to call the tune. And Germany pays,” says Jan Zahradil of European Conservatives & Reformists (ECR), MEP. “If all of you in the eurozone want to keep the single currency, you must be prepared for that and for giving up your fiscal sovereignty. Perhaps, you could even save some public money by dissolving your national finance ministries.”
But another German MEP, Sven Giegold of the German Green Party, begs to differ.
“What is the sovereignty for Germany at the moment, paying billions and billions of risk? There’s no sovereignty. We are forced to do this because the euro is a reality,” he told RT. “Basically, regaining sovereignty by sharing it on the European level is what the whole operation is about.”
While Germany may be for greater fiscal integration, it is dead set against the eurobond idea, or euro countries sharing debt – an idea pushed by the European Commission, albeit renaming it “stability bonds”.
In effect, Italy’s debt interest rates, for example, would go down from its worrying six to seven per cent level, while Germany’s would go up. Merkel’s response is a resounding “no”. Germany will not let the deficit sinners off the hook by taking on their debt.
If Sarkozy ever got his way, he would like the European Central Bank to act as a lender of last resort. But again, Merkel said “no”. She will not let the ECB swoop in to save the day. At least not until countries learn to keep their finances in check. But it is widely seen that the ECB will have to expand its role one way or another and is already considering it.
And what of other EU members who do not use the euro? The idea of a two-tier Europe, or “the eurozone and the rest,” does not sit well with a major economy like the UK.

It appears that any plan agreed upon will have to have Germany’s backing. Merkel dismissed the idea of Germany dominating Europe as absurd, although that is how it is increasingly being perceived – for better or for worse.
Jim Rogers: US Falling Into 'Deeper Trouble, Faces 2013 Depression
The United States economy never really emerged from the recession that began in 2008 and is possibly headed for a more chronic depression, and the prognosis for recovery doesn't look good, especially in 2013, says international investor Jim Rogers.
President Barack Obama has tried to spend the economy back into recovery, which never helps, Rogers told Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview.
When an economy falls into a recession, which normally happens once every four to six years, it needs to run its course, which is painful but healthy in the long run.
Spending money via stimulus packages or through ultra-loose monetary policies resuscitates the economy but not for long and makes the day of reckoning even more painful when it arrives.
President Barack Obama has tried to spend the economy back into recovery, which never helps, Rogers told Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview.
When an economy falls into a recession, which normally happens once every four to six years, it needs to run its course, which is painful but healthy in the long run.
Spending money via stimulus packages or through ultra-loose monetary policies resuscitates the economy but not for long and makes the day of reckoning even more painful when it arrives.
"We are talking about serious unemployment, we're talking about more losses, we're talking about more bankruptcies. Potentially a depression? Yes, of course, potentially a depression," Rogers says.
"In America we have had recessions every four to six years since the beginning of the Republic. So by 2012 or 2013, we're going to have another one, and it's going to be much, much worse. Whether that's a depression or not I don't know but be very careful because America is getting deeper and deeper into trouble," he said.
What can the government do? Reverse the spending policies of the Obama administration, he says.
"We cannot quadruple our debt every four or five years. We cannot print staggering amounts of money every four or five years. So there's going to come time when we've shot all of our bullets, and it's going to be a big mess."
On top of hundreds of billions of dollars in stimulus measures the administration has rolled out, the Federal Reserve has pumped $2.3 trillion into the economy via quantitative easing, which are asset purchase from banks that critics describe as printed money with little backing that in the end threatens to push up inflation rates.
Government intervention won't work here as it hasn't elsewhere.
Japan refused to let troubled financial institutions go under in the early 1990s and as a result, spent two decades mired in sluggish recovery.
Scandinavia took the opposite approach when it ran into an economic downturn and today is healthy, Rogers points out.
The world's Central Banks recently launched a coordinated effort to make it easier for European banks to gain access to dollars, a move that seeks to stave off a credit crunch.
That's not going to work either, Rogers says.
"It's not going to solve the problem. What politicians try to do always is get to the other side of the next election. This is just going to delay the problem and make it worse in the end. It's going to make it worse because there is going to be higher inflation, higher interest rates, more currency turmoil and we're going to have a lot more problems."
In the U.S., voters go to the poll in 2012 to elect a president, and they aren't going to be happy.
"Unemployment is still higher than it was back in 2008 when Mr. Obama came to become the president. So the idea that got out of that first recession, to me, is a little bit laughable. We're still having serious problems," Rogers says.
Watch out for election-year spending, which may boost markets somewhat but the underlying problems facing the U.S. economy such as a massive debt overhang won't go away.
"The only thing that might be better is that the there is an election coming in November of 2012 and in the meantime Mr. Obama and his friends are going to spend all of the money they can trying to get reelected. So all of those people are going to feel a lot better and they are going to spread a whole lot of money around, but be careful about 2013, because 2013 is going to be a mess."
"In America we have had recessions every four to six years since the beginning of the Republic. So by 2012 or 2013, we're going to have another one, and it's going to be much, much worse. Whether that's a depression or not I don't know but be very careful because America is getting deeper and deeper into trouble," he said.
What can the government do? Reverse the spending policies of the Obama administration, he says.
"We cannot quadruple our debt every four or five years. We cannot print staggering amounts of money every four or five years. So there's going to come time when we've shot all of our bullets, and it's going to be a big mess."
On top of hundreds of billions of dollars in stimulus measures the administration has rolled out, the Federal Reserve has pumped $2.3 trillion into the economy via quantitative easing, which are asset purchase from banks that critics describe as printed money with little backing that in the end threatens to push up inflation rates.
Government intervention won't work here as it hasn't elsewhere.
Japan refused to let troubled financial institutions go under in the early 1990s and as a result, spent two decades mired in sluggish recovery.
Scandinavia took the opposite approach when it ran into an economic downturn and today is healthy, Rogers points out.
The world's Central Banks recently launched a coordinated effort to make it easier for European banks to gain access to dollars, a move that seeks to stave off a credit crunch.
That's not going to work either, Rogers says.
"It's not going to solve the problem. What politicians try to do always is get to the other side of the next election. This is just going to delay the problem and make it worse in the end. It's going to make it worse because there is going to be higher inflation, higher interest rates, more currency turmoil and we're going to have a lot more problems."
In the U.S., voters go to the poll in 2012 to elect a president, and they aren't going to be happy.
"Unemployment is still higher than it was back in 2008 when Mr. Obama came to become the president. So the idea that got out of that first recession, to me, is a little bit laughable. We're still having serious problems," Rogers says.
Watch out for election-year spending, which may boost markets somewhat but the underlying problems facing the U.S. economy such as a massive debt overhang won't go away.
"The only thing that might be better is that the there is an election coming in November of 2012 and in the meantime Mr. Obama and his friends are going to spend all of the money they can trying to get reelected. So all of those people are going to feel a lot better and they are going to spread a whole lot of money around, but be careful about 2013, because 2013 is going to be a mess."
The Stop Online Piracy Act: Class War in Cyberspace
Co-Director of CEPR; Author, 'The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive'
The 1 percent and their employees are masters of word play. They turned the estate tax into the "death tax," life-saving health and environmental rules became "job-killing" regulations, and of course when it comes to taxes, the richest of the rich are now "job creators" who are supposed to be exempt from paying taxes.
Given this track record, it is hardly surprising that a bill that would require every website in the country to become unpaid copyright enforcement officers for Time Warner, Disney, and the Washington Post comes packaged as the "Stop Online Piracy Act." While the name may lead the public to believe that Congress is trying to keep our e-mail pure and our computer screens safe, the real story is that the 1 percent are again trying to rig the rules so that they get as many dollars as possible from the rest of us. Source/full story
Occupy Moscow "10,000 take to the streets"
The parliamentary election results have left opposition supporters in an angry mood. Moscow has seen crowds of up to 10,000 take to the streets; over 300 have been arrested, reports RIA Novosti news agency. Police have counted 2,000 demonstrators, but unofficial estimates say up to 10,000 people made their way to Chistye Prudy Park to attend a meeting staged by the opposition movement "Solidarnost" (Solidarity). "Shame!" chanted the crowd. The demonstrators claimed the United Russia party had rigged the voting results. Meanwhile, as the Central Election Commission has almost done its counting, United Russia is coming in with almost 50 per cent of the vote. Police had already cordoned the area off for a meeting, which only 700 people had been authorized to join. As the stream of people increased, the designated area overflowed and the crowds spilled into a neighboring area. When they started to block the traffic, police began arresting protesters. Source
Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein: American Empire Before The Fall
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