They voted four to one to reject the bill which would have each
deputy account for his or her annual allowance of 76,944 euros (£60,000;
One deputy who opposed the bill said it would impinge on parliamentary freedom.
The bill's sponsor predicted an eventual expenses scandal like that which gripped Westminster in 2009.
A French study conducted in June suggested that, on average,
those working for the French parliament enjoyed a 77% higher income than
their counterparts in the British House of Commons or the German
The French are fiercely defensive of the benefits they have
earned and none more so than the members of the National Assembly, the
BBC's Christian Fraser reports from Paris.
Bars and cigars
There have been several recent rows over expenses.
Last month the Mediapart website exposed the Socialist member
for the Ardeche region, Pascal Terrasse, who had reportedly charged to
his expenses account foreign holidays for his family and private bar
bills. Mr Terrasse said he sometimes muddled his credit cards.
Under the last, conservative government, Christian Blanc,
state secretary for the Paris region, was forced to stand down when it
emerged he had put 12,000 euros spent on Cuban cigars on expenses.