Tunacheki which means 'We Are Watching ' in Swahili slang. Our goal is to educate, inform & entertain you all about the real Africa while showing the World that Africa is Watching.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
22 Mar 2022
Erasing History To Own Putin: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
who deny that the brinkmanship between the US and Russia is putting us
at unacceptable and ever-increasing risk of nuclear war are simply
psychologically compartmentalizing away from the horrifying facts. The
source of their claim is their own cognitive dissonance.'
Ukraine Has US Bioweapons + 'Weapons In Ukraine Pose Danger To Russia As Missiles In Cuba Did To U.S In 1962'
Republic World
"We Cannot Trust The Americans!"
Surprise Surprise
Russell Brand: What is the “International Law” that the West is holding Putin accountable to but not themselves?
What Happened To People Who Volunteered To Fight For Ukraine?
Paul Joseph Watson:
The dangers of moral exhibitionism.
Defending Ukrainian “Democracy”: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
'Being a “contrarian” in the face of bat shit insanity is a good thing, actually.'
By Caitlin Johnstone: We’re risking a very fast, very radioactive third world war defending the “democracy” of a regime who just banned eleven opposition parties.
explaining why it’s fine to eliminate opposition parties when they
become inconvenient is just liberals telling you who they really are.
One reason you always hear about the genocidal depravity of Adolf Hitler but not King Leopold II is because Hitler did imperialism to white people. Keep that in mind as you watch the disparity between coverage of Ukraine and coverage of other recent military invasions.