10 Dec 2021

Even A Perfect Friend Cannot Help A Honey-Eating Man Hanging In Pit

In a story from the ancient Islamic world, a man in Baghdad became perfect friends with a man in Egypt via written correspondence. One day, the Baghdadian decided to visit in person the Egyptian. The Egyptian joyfully welcomed the Baghdadian into his home. Despite enjoying his friend’s lavish hospitality, the Baghdadian became acutely ill.

The Egyptian called forth all the best doctors in Egypt to minister to his friend. These doctors worked to diagnose the man’s illness:

The doctors checked his pulse, and they again and again inspected his urine. Nothing in these tests indicated an illness. And when these indicated no bodily illness, by that they knew the illness to be love’s passion. Having realized this, the master of the house came to the Baghdadian and asked him if there was some woman in the house whom he loved.

Hawaii Emergency: US Navy Poisons Drinking Water

Empire Files: The US Navy has poisoned the largest water supply in O'ahu, Hawaii. Nobody knows how long residents have been drinking toxic water, how big the chemical leak is, or how many it will impact. But instead of urgent action to save lives, the US Navy is engaging in a cover up.

Stunning: Facebook Court Filing Admits 'Fact Checks' Are Just A Matter Of 'Protected' Opinion

'So-called "fact checking" is a fraud used to cover up the censorship of opinions that that differ from those of the powerful Silicon Valley oligarchy.'

Authored by Thomas Lifson: Surprisingly little attention is being paid to a bombshell admission made by the attorneys representing the corporation formerly known as Facebook, Inc., which has now transitioned into Meta Platforms, Inc.

In a court filing responding to a lawsuit filed by John Stossel claiming that he was defamed by a “fact check” Facebook used to label a video by him as “misleading,” Meta’s attorneys assert that the “fact check” was an “opinion,” not an actual check of facts and declaration of facts. Under libel law, opinions are protected from liability for libel.

Anthony Watts of Wattsupwiththat explains:

Opinions are not subject to defamation claims, while false assertions of fact can be subject to defamation. The quote in Facebook’s complaint is,

How Is This A Thing? December 2021

"We thought that the horrors of the world's totalitarian past could never be repeated. Prior to Covid most people would just take it for granted that the government has no right to restrict your freedom of movement, deny you access to your family, prevent you from going to work, shut down your business, force you to wear something on your person, coerce you into taking medication and demonize a minority group in society, ...those things were done by tyrants and despots throughout history, but because we're now living in the future and because there's a so-called pandemic happening, suddenly all of these tyrannical measures and infringements upon our rights and freedoms become acceptable in the minds of the public?"


"Here's my Plan 'C', swivel on it, you're never cancelling my Christmas again!"

"So we only get our freedom back when the vaccination program ends and the vaccination program never ends.

...It's time to say, enough is enough!"

Paul Joseph Watson: If Black Mirror re-made Groundhog Day.

US Summit For Faux-Democracy - Big Pharma Has Been Microchipping Your Drugs - You've Been Chipped Like A Dog

"...What a joke, it's about undermining democracy. Obvious hypocrisy going on."

Story #1: The Summit For Democracy

https://www.state.gov/further-information-the-summit-for-democracy/ // https://archive.md/T2Xt4

China, Russia Attack Biden's 'So-Called' Summit of Democracy


"Enough Is Enough!!” Your Right To Protest SHUT DOWN + UK Boris’s Christmas Covid CORRUPTION + Cool Anti-Vax

Russell Brand: New proposals to the already controversial new UK laws will make peaceful protest even more difficult. With similar moves being made in the US and Australia also, we ask, is the pandemic being used to shut down human rights across the globe?