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12 Oct 2017
'Deep State'
Empire Destroying Wars Are Coming To America Under Trump – Part 2

It is possibly the oldest [after prostitution], easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
– Major General Smedley Butler, War is a Racket (1935)
By Michael Krieger: Yesterday’s post, Empire Destroying Wars Are Coming to America Under Trump – Part 1, outlined my view that President Donald Trump, despite campaign slogans to focus on “America First,” is likely to entangle the nation in major new wars which will precipitate a chaotic and dangerous collapse of U.S. empire.
I base this view on his actions since coming into office, as well as the bloodthirsty war hawks he’s increasingly turning to for advice, with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton being the most concerning of all. Today’s post will dig into how Trump will attempt to sell his wars, and will also address the role corporate media is likely to play in the legitimization of any future destructive conflagration.
Anti-Male Feminist Labour Party Quotas Hand 'Beauty Queen' Jihadi Top Job At UK Council
By Ian Miles Cheong: A female jihadi who was jailed for ten years for her participation in the July 21, 2005 failed terrorist strike in London now holds a top job with a Labour council.
Thirty-three-year-old Mulumebet Girma signed up with the Southwark Council after she lied about her history. Colleagues who failed to do a proper background check on Girma didn’t realize they were working with a convicted criminal.
According to the Daily Mail on Tuesday, Girma never declared her criminal past or her role in aiding and abetting her terrorist brother-in-law, Hussein Osman, who tried to blow up a packed London commuter train.
The explosives failed to go off and all the main suspects were arrested. She was convicted of hiding him in her home and for failing to inform the police about his plans prior to the failed terrorist attack, which she was well aware of.
A former model, the Ethiopian-born Girma managed to lie her way through the ranks of the London council all the way to the top, and even appeared on the cover of its magazine to promote an apprenticeship program.
Girma managed to slip through the vetting process thanks to misandrist feminist quotas known as 'positive discrimination'.*
Thirty-three-year-old Mulumebet Girma signed up with the Southwark Council after she lied about her history. Colleagues who failed to do a proper background check on Girma didn’t realize they were working with a convicted criminal.

The explosives failed to go off and all the main suspects were arrested. She was convicted of hiding him in her home and for failing to inform the police about his plans prior to the failed terrorist attack, which she was well aware of.
A former model, the Ethiopian-born Girma managed to lie her way through the ranks of the London council all the way to the top, and even appeared on the cover of its magazine to promote an apprenticeship program.
Girma managed to slip through the vetting process thanks to misandrist feminist quotas known as 'positive discrimination'.*
It’s Time To Hold The Door Open For The Girly Boy Scouts
By Paul Elam: OK, so now we are going to allow girls to join the Boy Scouts. That’s the latest word today from the 107-year-old organization, previously a boy’s only club. On first blush, it just seems like another move by the Great Unseen Minister of Diversity in the Sky; a new policy of including the oppressed and downtrodden class of girls, even though they had their own organization, the Girl Scouts of America, which was founded just two years after the organization for boys.
That’s not the case though, according to Michael Surbaugh, the Boy Scouts chief executive, who characterized the unprecedented move as one of convenience for families.
“We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children,” he said. I suspect that anyone watching him make this statement could also watch his nose get longer as he talked.
Of course, the problems driving this new policy are simple and monetary. Boy Scout membership has been taking a nosedive for over a decade. With lackluster efforts to recruit minority boys into the organization failing abysmally, there was literally only one other place to go for new blood, and that was to cut into the Girl Scouts share of the youth indoctrination market.

“We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children,” he said. I suspect that anyone watching him make this statement could also watch his nose get longer as he talked.
Of course, the problems driving this new policy are simple and monetary. Boy Scout membership has been taking a nosedive for over a decade. With lackluster efforts to recruit minority boys into the organization failing abysmally, there was literally only one other place to go for new blood, and that was to cut into the Girl Scouts share of the youth indoctrination market.
Trump Is Pulling A Libya On Iran
Muammar Qaddafi learned the hard way how the U.S. reneges on deals.
By Robert W. Merry: Word is out that President Trump this week will “decertify” the nuclear deal with Iran, also known as JCPOA, for Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. This is the deal struck with Tehran not only by the United States but also by France, Germany, Russia, China, the UK, and the European Union. It’s a nifty word, “decertify.” It hides the real meaning of Trump’s planned action. The correct word is “renege.”

Trump is called upon every 90 days, based on the Iran Nuclear Review Act, to certify whether Iran is living up to the JCPOA deal, which suspended economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic in exchange for Tehran freezing, for 15 years, whatever nuclear weapons development it may have been engaged in. Trump hates the deal, as he has made clear since the beginning of the 2016 election cycle, and he doesn’t want to go on record saying Iran is living up to it.
Professor Suggests "Toxic Masculinity" Caused Las Vegas Massacre + Bristol Uni: Do We Need To Abolish Masculinity?
By John Hasson: Mass shootings, including the recent Las Vegas massacre, are caused by “toxic masculinity,” according to a professor at Columbia College Chicago.
Last week, shortly after the horrific shooting in Las Vegas, Philosophy professor Stephen Asma tweeted a link to an op-ed he had written for Aeon in 2016 arguing that “toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings.”
“My article on the weaponized loser seems sadly trenchant every few months. #shooter #ToxicMasculinity #Paddock,” Asma remarked in the tweet, apparently attributing the murderer’s motives to the “toxic masculinity” that Asma blames for other mass shootings.
“My article on the weaponized loser seems sadly trenchant every few months. #shooter #ToxicMasculinity #Paddock,” Asma remarked in the tweet, apparently attributing the murderer’s motives to the “toxic masculinity” that Asma blames for other mass shootings.
“The facts of toxic masculinity are rarely discussed after mass shootings, as we beat the usual drums of gun control and mental health...But consider the bigger evolutionary picture,’ Asma writes in the op-ed.
“Social life requires the domestication of men...
The UK Conservative Party Deserves To Die
By Laura Perrins: ‘Britain’s first race audit reveals extent of discrimination,’ was the headline on the front of [Jewsh Murdoch owned] Times, the paper of so-called record. They have made up their minds; any unequal outcome between race or ethnic groups is evidence of discrimination. And just who is doing the discriminating, you might ask? Why everyone, society and the public sector (!) according to our Prime Minister.
In fact, ‘schools, police forces and councils will have nowhere to hide on discrimination, Theresa May pledges today as she publishes research laying bare racial divides across the country,’ was the introduction to the report.
Therefore, the public sector is inherently, institutionally racist, according to the Prime Minister. Now, the public sector is inherently Leftist, but I do not believe for one second it is racist. Only a moron would come to such a conclusion.
The technocrat May ordered this ‘race audit’ into 130 aspects of life when she became Prime Minister and now the results are in. And the results mean ‘that for society, as whole, for government, for our public services there is nowhere to hide’, according to May.
So there you go – the Prime Minister herself believes Britain and its public sector is inherently racist, racist through and through and you sitting over there (you big racist), have nowhere to hide.
This is the kind of poisonous rhetoric that results from seeing the world through data driven by the ideology of identity politics.
In fact, ‘schools, police forces and councils will have nowhere to hide on discrimination, Theresa May pledges today as she publishes research laying bare racial divides across the country,’ was the introduction to the report.
Therefore, the public sector is inherently, institutionally racist, according to the Prime Minister. Now, the public sector is inherently Leftist, but I do not believe for one second it is racist. Only a moron would come to such a conclusion.

So there you go – the Prime Minister herself believes Britain and its public sector is inherently racist, racist through and through and you sitting over there (you big racist), have nowhere to hide.
This is the kind of poisonous rhetoric that results from seeing the world through data driven by the ideology of identity politics.
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