"there is no expiration date on faulty illogical ideas," as he expects any Fed exit to be "very, very messy." Rick's dilemma is the seemingly
paradoxical need for yet moar and bigger monetary policy crisis
management by Ben Bernanke when day-after-day we are told by the very
guests on his network that "stocks look great." At the end of the day, when the Fed decides to exit, they will not be able to put the liquidity 'toothpaste' back in the tube.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
29 Jan 2013
Santelli's Paradox And Why The Fed's Exit Will Be "Very, Very Messy"
AFRI-CON: UK Goals in Africa and Mali Intervention - Morris + Ron Paul calls US involvement in Mali 'undeclared war'
The United States is a top terrorist state - Noam Chomsky "Colin Powell should be hanged"
Kamikaze Currency Killers "We are in World War 3" - Max Keiser with former MI5 agent turned whistleblower, Annie Machon
Super Cool Righteous Member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives gives truly unbelievable speech
By Madison Ruppert: Member of the Belgian Chamber of
Representatives for the People’s Party Laurent Louis gives one of the
single most unbelievable speeches I’ve ever heard from a politician.
The speech, which clocks in just under 14 minutes and was translated into English by Geraldine Feuillien, leaves no stone unturned.
Louis covers everything from the intervention in Mali
(which he characterizes as a neo-colonialist operation and voted
against), the “so-called do-gooders both left and right wingers or from
the center who are today licking the boots of our corrupted powers,” and
even the September 11, 2001 attacks.
He doesn’t spare journalists either, saying, “I don’t have much respect neither for the journalists who have the audacity to label the opponents as mentally retarded while basically, they know very well that these opponents are right.”
Speaking of 9/11 he said, “Haven’t we created September
11th, after all, to justify the invasions, arbitrary arrest, torture and
massacre of innocent populations?”
Louis also points out the duplicity of the reasoning behind the intervention in Mali.
Why are central banks buying gold, the opposite of their own creation, paper money?

Why are central banks buying gold, the opposite of their own creation, paper money?
Money is the opposite of gold and silver. Fiat money is based on ordinance and credibility and is not self-limiting (can be printed infinitely) whilst gold and silver is commodity based and physically limited to the amount of physical gold and silver available and mined, you choose either one or the other. One is purely based on credibility hence why notes need to mention the nominal value in order to give the piece of paper value. American paper money is backed by only the size and strength of the American economy. The other money is based on real value, the value of the gold itself. And especially for that reason investors should be warned considering the fact that more and more central banks are buying gold, the opposite of their own creation: paper money. This is so contrarian. It is like the butcher who doesn’t want to eat his own sausages because he knows what is in it. Why would central banks buy gold, which “limits” their creation of credit? The answer is: the fear of lost credibility of paper money, because of the constant undermining, dilution, debasement of their currencies with quantitative easing measures not sorting the desired effect of sustained economic growth because we have passed the tipping point whereby the overwhelming debt levels (Debt/GDP > 77-90%) have started to depress economic growth.
Central banks have been buying gold since 2008!
Faith leaders against US policing practices
We will also discuss brutal policing practice against minorities and the poor and groups who are calling for police reform. Source
LEAKED: Mario Draghi And His Triumvirate Shut Up German Finance Minister To Keep Cyprus From Blowing Up The Eurozone
By Wolf Richter: The state-sponsored chorus about the end of the debt crisis in the
Eurozone has been deafening. It even has feel-good metrics: the Euro Breakup Index
for January fell to 17.2%—the percentage of investors who thought that
at least one country would leave the Eurozone within twelve months. In
July, it stood at 73%. For Cyprus, the fifth Eurozone country to ask for
a bailout, the index fell to 7.5%. “A euro breakup is almost no issue
anymore among investors,” the statement said.
Just then, in a fight over whether or not to bail out Cyprus, top Eurocrats exposed what a taxpayer-funded con game they thought these bailouts really were—and how fragile the Eurozone was.
A debate has been raging in Germany about Cyprus. Not that the German parliament, which has a say in this, wouldn’t rubberstamp an eventual bailout, as it rubberstamped others before, but right now they’re not in the mood. Cyprus is too much of a mess. Bailing out uninsured depositors of Cypriot banks would set a costly precedent for other countries. And bailing out Russian “black money,” which makes up a large portion of the deposits, would be, well, distasteful in Germany, a few months before the federal elections.
For the tiny country whose economy is barely a rounding error in the Eurozone, it would be an enormous bailout. At €17.5 billion, it would amount to about 100% of GDP: €10 billion for the banks, €6 billion for holders of existing debt, and €1.5 billion to cover budget deficits through 2016. The new debt, a €2.5 billion loan that Russia extended in 2011, and other debt would amount to 150% of GDP, according to Moody’s. Unsustainable. So haircuts would be necessary. But whose hair would be cut?
As always, there is never an alternative to a bailout. “It’s essential that everybody realizes that a disorderly default of Cyprus could lead to an exit of Cyprus from the Eurozone,”

A debate has been raging in Germany about Cyprus. Not that the German parliament, which has a say in this, wouldn’t rubberstamp an eventual bailout, as it rubberstamped others before, but right now they’re not in the mood. Cyprus is too much of a mess. Bailing out uninsured depositors of Cypriot banks would set a costly precedent for other countries. And bailing out Russian “black money,” which makes up a large portion of the deposits, would be, well, distasteful in Germany, a few months before the federal elections.
For the tiny country whose economy is barely a rounding error in the Eurozone, it would be an enormous bailout. At €17.5 billion, it would amount to about 100% of GDP: €10 billion for the banks, €6 billion for holders of existing debt, and €1.5 billion to cover budget deficits through 2016. The new debt, a €2.5 billion loan that Russia extended in 2011, and other debt would amount to 150% of GDP, according to Moody’s. Unsustainable. So haircuts would be necessary. But whose hair would be cut?
As always, there is never an alternative to a bailout. “It’s essential that everybody realizes that a disorderly default of Cyprus could lead to an exit of Cyprus from the Eurozone,”
AFRI-CON: US considering new drone base in Africa
RT: The US is planning to consolidate its position in Africa with a new
drone outpost in Niger, with the stated purpose of providing unarmed
surveillance support to French efforts in Mali and keeping tabs on
al-Qaeda elements on the continent.
The robotic unmanned aircraft would likely be based in Niger, on the
eastern border of Mali, where French forces are currently waging a
campaign against Al-Qaeda, AFP reported, quoting an anonymous official.
However, State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland reiterated that there are no plans to commit US troops to any fighting on the ground.
In the future, the US command does not rule out using the base to conduct military strikes if the situation deteriorates or the extremist threat increases, military officials told The New York Times.
In the meantime, the US military's Africa Command is reviewing the options for the base with other countries in the region, including Burkina Faso.
The Africa Command’s scheme still needs the go-ahead from the Department of Defense, President Barack Obama and Niger. No final decision had been made, but a status-of-forces agreement has been reached between the two governments in Niger on Monday, providing legal protection to American troops in the African country.
If the drone base plan goes through, the facility could become home to as many as 300 American military and contractual personnel.
Bernanke to Oprah: "I've Been Doping for Years"
Apartheid: Israeli gulag forces destroy Palestinian village in Jenin
CAMERON DOOMED: the lies and pernicious Times of Rupert Murdoch
some HS2 for the PM to smell
The Slog: Further to today’s earlier post
about David Cameron having trouble inhaling while he is head-down in a
hill of sh*t, you may not have thought this possible, but things got
worse as the day went on. “I don’t like Mondays” sang Geldof’s Boomtown
Rats way back in those innocent days of tertiary and post Punk, but one
hopes that – as he sits at home tonight in Number Ten munching on Sam’s
home-made Doppia Mozarella with extra Humble – the Prime Minister is capable of being philosophical about how his week got out of the blocks.Shortly after I posted, various backbenchers, Tory-voting constituencies and new stalking horses popped up to say just how much additional excrement they wanted to pour onto Dave’s hill in relation to his pet project, the HS2 rail link. This is the one that will enable business people only on the train for the cooked-expenses breakfast to arrive in Manchester before they leave London. It’s also the one that is about to take the concept of Nimby to new heights of door-jamb biting opposition.
But the main thing to note here is that Murdoch’s Times once again has the spoon out, and is stirring the heady melange of turds, hate and division prior to depositing it on the only bits left sticking up from the hill, the PM’s calves and feet. The front page lead screamed ‘Tories push high-speed rebellion up the line’: yes, it was another Newscorp exclusive about what the HS2 blueprint will actually say, and§ why the Party’s grass roots are never going to stand for it. Page 5 had more Tory plotters planning to promote the likes of Graham Brady and Adam Afriyi as stalking horses ‘when’ King David of Camerlot comes a cropper.
You see, this is what happens when you’re the sort of ne’er do well who refuses to stand by Newscorp sociopaths who have broken more laws than Ned Kelly: Rupert will get you.
False Flag Mali explained: Labor Minister Says France Is "Totally Bankrupt"

At least France can hike the tax on the millionaires to 75% to generate more money. Oh wait, no it can't."Michel Sapin made the gaffe in a radio interview, which left French President Francois Hollande battling to undo the potential reputational damage. "There is a state but it is a totally bankrupt state,” Mr Sapin said. “That is why we had to put a deficit reduction plan in place, and nothing should make us turn away from that objective." It appears that once one wipes out the propaganda and the smooth politico talk, things are bad and getting worse at Europe's core. "Data from Banque de France showed earlier this month that a flight of capital has already left the country amid concerns that France’s Socialist leader intends to soak the rich and businesses. The actor Gérard Depardieu has renounced his French citizenship and decamped to Russia in protest, while David Cameron said Britain will “roll out the red carpet” to attract wealthy individuals. Pierre Moscovici, the finance minister, said the comments by Mr Sapin were “inappropriate”."
Staged Syrian Chemical Weapons Threat Exposed
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