9 Aug 2020

Google Search Has Cancelled Dissenting Opinion

The internet now belongs to
liberal-left fake news
Google and the John McCain Cover-Up
By Ron Unz: Back in early May, Google had taken the remarkable step of deranking our entire website from its system, placing our many thousands of content pages near the absolute bottom of its search results, where almost no one would ever see them. If a user included the keyword “unz” in a search string, our pages would still come up, but otherwise they would be almost totally invisible. So people specifically looking for our website could still find it, but almost no one else.
Google holds a monopoly over worldwide search results with a total market share greater than 90%, functioning as a global gatekeeper to the Internet, so this harsh action had serious consequences. Our regular daily traffic by about 15% or more, especially reducing the inflow of casual new visitors who might discover our alternative media webzine in an unrelated search. The national wave of urban turmoil that broke out at the end of that same month soon overwhelmed this handicap and lifted our traffic to new heights, but the latter handicap remained. So although our daily pageviews have set new records, the number of daily visitors to our website has still remained substantially diminished.

ICMI 2020: Promotional Video For The Sixth International Conference On Men's Issues

Justice for Men & Boys: The 2020 International Conference on Men's Issues (ICMI20) will be a virtual conference, and the sixth conference in the series, which started in Detroit in 2014. It's planned to publish 120 videos - one per hour, every hour, from midday 14 November to midday 19 November, International Men's Day (Sydney time).

The Undoing Of Illusions: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

By Caitlin Johnstone: Governments have obscenely well-funded intelligence agencies that are literally dedicated to orchestrating secret conspiracies around the world, but if you say they might be conspiring in some part of the world people call you a mentally ill conspiracy theorist.
The fact that the Phoenix Program existed is by itself an unassailable argument for permanently dismantling the entire CIA.
A political establishment which thinks it’s crazy and extremist to reduce a $740 billion military budget by 10 percent is a political establishment that should not exist.
A political establishment which thinks it’s crazy and extremist to reduce a $740 billion military budget by 10 percent can never and will never lead to a sane world.
A political establishment which thinks it’s crazy and extremist to reduce a $740 billion military budget by 10 percent has no business calling its members “moderate” or “centrist”.