"For a government to use behavioral science against its people should be a crime. Politicians are elected to represent us not to manipulate us."
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
"For a government to use behavioral science against its people should be a crime. Politicians are elected to represent us not to manipulate us."
By Andrew P. Napolitano: Last week, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. secretly reaffirmed his own self-willed authority to kill persons in other countries, so long as the CIA and its military counterparts have “near certainty” that the target of the homicide is a member of a terrorist organization. That standard was concocted by the Biden administration.
There is no “near certainty” standard in the law, as the phrase is oxymoronic and defies a rational definition; like nearly pregnant. One is either pregnant or not. One is either certain or not. There is no “near” there.Yet, the creation of this standard underscores the lamentable absence of the rule of law in the Biden administration, and in the administrations of its three immediate predecessors, each of which deployed drones to kill persons who were not engaged in acts of violence at the time of their killing, irrespective of the near certainty of their membership in any organizations.
“Terrorist” cannot be a standard for murder because it is subjective. To King George III, George Washington was a terrorist. To the poor folks in Libya and Syria, to the popularly elected governments toppled by CIA-inspired violence, to the innocents tortured at black sites around the world, the CIA is a terrorist organization.
Tammy M. Peterson: Tammy welcomes guest, Janice Fiamengo to discuss issues in regards to feminism. Specifically, they cover the broad history of the feminist movement, the key influencers and events, and the general attitude of resentment against men. Janice Fiamengo is a retired Professor of English from the University of Ottawa. She began The Fiamengo File series of YouTube videos in 2015 to discuss the fraud of academic feminism and its devastating social effects. Her book "Sons of Feminism: Men Have Their Say" was published in 2018, containing stories from men who have suffered in our feminist culture. She is now working on a new video series to uncover the anti-male bigotry and female supremacism at the origins of feminism in the 18th and 19th centuries.
If Americans Knew: This was eventually published on the Iraq Tribunal website - https://www.iraqtribunal.org/alison_weir - The articles mentioned in the video: "White Man's Burden," by Ari Shavit, Ha'aretz, April 3, 2003: http://iakn.us/2ggApnF "Perles of Wisdom for the Feithful," by Akiva Eldar, Ha'aretz, October 1, 2002: http://iakn.us/2hkzdzo "The Bush Neocons and Israel," by Kathleen and Bill Christison, Counterpunch, December 2002: http://iakn.us/2h1ajEi "Neo-Cons, Israel and the Bush Administration," by Stephen Green, Counterpunch, February 2004: http://iakn.us/2ggBcVi Books mentioned in the video: "The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel" by Dr. Stephen J Sniegoski: http://iakn.us/2geT2mJ "The Road to Iraq: The Making of a Neoconservative War" by Muhammad Idrees Ahmad: http://iakn.us/2hoz4Hn
saw the endgame before, and that was the stagflation of the 1970s, when
we had high inflation in combination with high unemployment.'
Authored by Mark Dittli: Russell Napier has never been one of the eternal inflation warners. On the contrary: The market strategist and historian, who experienced the Asian Financial Crisis 25 years ago at first hand at the brokerage house CLSA in Hong Kong, wrote for years about the deflationary power of the globalised world economy.
«Many investors today still pretend that we’re in the system that we had from 1980 to 2020. We’re not. We’re going through fundamental, lasting changes on many levels»
Two years ago, the tide turned and Napier warned of a vicious return of inflation – and he hit the mark. In an in-depth conversation with The Market NZZ, which was lightly edited for clarity, he explains why most developed economies are undergoing a fundamental shift and why the system most investors have become accustomed to over the past 40 years is no longer valid.