26 Feb 2020

I’ve Taught At Six US Jewish Schools - They’re Preaching Loyalty To Israel

'American Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the United States'
I’ve heard teachers or administrators say at assemblies things like “you don’t belong in America,” “Israel is your country” and “the IDF are your soldiers… 
HaTikvah was sung more often than the Pledge of Allegiance or the Star Spangled Banner. Israeli national holidays are taught with a reverence that outstrips what is accorded to religious or American ones… 
Anyone who has witnessed daily life at a Jewish day school and thinks that accusations of dual loyalty are anti-Semitic is either spiteful or idiotic…
By Anonymous: A recent survey by the Anti-Defamation League found that nearly a quarter of Americans believe American Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the United States. Based on my experience teaching at half a dozen Jewish day schools over the past twelve years, I am shocked that the figure is so low.

Four Surprising Minutes

Not all women, but an incredibly substantial number of women, have a serious problem.
By Mark Dent: Is it narcissism? Neuroticism? Rage and anger issues? Envy? Self-obsession. A sense of entitlement? Perhaps all of the aforementioned terms.
They seem to have no shame, no internal voice or sense of irony.
Oscars were awarded a few days ago. There were many ego -centric, virtue signaling speeches which have already been forgotten. But the comments from Sigourney Weaver were so utterly absurd one has to wonder if she has developed early onset dementia.
Women seem to reflexively think of themselves as a woman first, rather than a person. They also think collectively. They don’t seem to see themselves as an individual human being who just happens to be female, they are first and foremost, a woman.
I don’t get it and never will. A woman flies an airplane across the ocean: The first words from the pilot’s lips.
“I hope I am an inspiration to all young women around the world. Just understand that you can do anything!
There is never a simple statement about their pride at having achieved such a feat and a thank you to those who made it possible. No-they are never an individual. Whenever a woman succeeds, she is striking a blow for all women!

"The Jig Is Up!" - Covid-19 And The Defenestration Of The Central Bankers

...the predicate of central bank omnipotence should now be swept into
the dustpan of history.
Authored by David Stockman: Let it be said that historians will surely marvel - and at some point soon - about the grand delusion of the present era. Namely, the near universal belief that central bankers could print, peg and palaver the main street economy into unfailing expansion and ever rising prosperity and that there were essentially no macro-risks to soaring stock prices that their toolkits couldn’t contain and counteract. 
That misbegotten belief had huge untoward consequences. It made economies brittle with too much leverage, financialization and speculation; and fragile with too few shock absorbers and insurance mechanism such as just-in-case inventories, second suppliers and local sources for physical production and back-up liquidity lines and balance sheet reserves for financial operations.

It Is Happening Again ~ Institutionalised Misandry

'Three men each murdered in a brutally, evil and barbaric act allegedly murdered by their female partners.
All three set on fire and left to die.
No floral tributes, no public domestic violence outcry, no DV outrage by 'The Project' or Today Hosts, nobody to stand up for these men who were innocent victims of Domestic Violence.'
By Mark Dent: I am so tired.
I don’t want to write about this subject again.
I don’t want to feel the constriction in my chest as I read over the endless lies, hate filled rants and deliberately deceptive statistics.
But I have to write again, or I won’t sleep.
A father of three children murdered his wife and kids in the most horrific way a person could possibly imagine. He burned them alive.