Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
30 Jan 2023
US Air Force General Tells His Officers 'War With China' Only 2 Years Away "Unrepentant Lethality Matters Most"
Memo is particularly unusual given it instructs commanders under him to get "their personal affairs" in order...
By Tyler Durden: In recent years there have been at least a handful of high-ranking US military commanders which in some form or fashion have sounded the alarm over a "coming war with China"... with the latest warning being the most unusual, issued in the form of a memo by an active four-star general and circulated with an official order.
This case is particularly significant given he took the rare step of passing it down through military command and to the chief officers he oversees, giving a greater urgency to the warning:
A four-star Air Force general sent a memo on Friday to the officers he commands that predicts the U.S. will be at war with China in two years and tells them to get ready to prep by firing "a clip" at a target, and "aim for the head."
In the memo sent Friday and obtained by NBC News, Gen. Mike Minihan, head of Air Mobility Command, said, "I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me will fight in 2025."
"The Deep State Is Real", UK's Dominic 'The Deep State Shill' Cummings Admits And That's Who LOCKED US DOWN!
“There was an official plan which was herd immunity,” Cummings said, the plan came from the Cabinet Office and the Department of Health and Social Care. ...“the LOCK DOWN decisions were taken almost entirely by DEEP STATE officials with almost no ministerial input at all.”

Authored by Lily Zhou: “The deep state is real,” according to Dominic 'The Deep State Shill' Cummings, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s ex-chief advisor.
In an interview with the “Manifold” podcast last week, Cummings said the so-called deep state, a moniker for the unelected bureaucracy, wields far more power than the politicians we elected.
"Big Sister Is Watching You" UK Column News
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott, Mark Anderson and Katy-jo Murfin.
German Leopard Tanks Will Kill Russians Again! + German FM Berbock Said "We Are Waging War Against Russia!"
RN: Tanks with iron crosses, with symbols of the German armed forces, both during the Second World War and now, will pass through Russian cities and villages! The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, at a regular briefing, commented on the decision of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President of the United States Joe Biden to send German Leopard tanks and American Abrams tanks to Ukraine.
"We Will Root Out The Deep State" - Trump's 2024 Campaign
“We’re going to stop the left-wing radical racists and perverts who are trying to indoctrinate our youth. And we’re going to get their Marxist hands off of our children,” “We’re going to defeat the cult of gender ideology and reaffirm that God created two genders, called men and women.” “We’re not going to allow men to play in women’s sports,”
Authored by Frank Fang: Former President Donald Trump visited two early-voting states New Hampshire and South Carolina on Jan. 28, hitting the campaign trail for the first time since announcing his 2024 bid for the White House in November last year.
“The 2024 election is our one shot to save our country, and we need a leader who is ready to do that on day one,” Trump said in a speech in Columbia, South Carolina.
Watch: Inexperienced Trans Figure Skater Performs At European Championship With Hilarious Results
By Tyler Durden: A 59-year-old male Finnish farmer, Markku-Pekka Antikainen, took up figure skating at age 50, declared himself trans, and has now performed under the female name "Minna-Maaria" at the opening ceremony of the European Figure Skating Championship. Finland was proud to announce that they would be including the world's "first trans figure skater" at the proceedings, only to discover Markku could not skate.
Big Pharma’s NIH Shills Fauci & Collins Conspired Against Great Barrington Declaration Causing Death & Health Injury
A country that lets corrupt greed-driven Big Pharma run its health care system is insane.
The Greeks had a word of grave importance for which there is no equivalent in English: “thumos”.
Thumos is, first of all, spiritedness.
Secondly, it is the inability to tolerate an injustice without taking action.
Plato believed that “within the ideal city state, every citizen would possess a healthy thumos within their souls. This thumos would allow citizens to uphold their honor and courageously assert their opinion within civic life.”
The fact that there is no English equivalent is interesting: