By I just read Sara Shoener’s recent opinion piece in The New York Times in which she indicts the two-parent home. It is alarmist, one-sided, aimless, radical, misandric, short-sighted, self-serving …
And totalitarian.
To indict our “culture” as simply too philistine for its inclination to preserve fathers, in the face of the endless social maladies resulting from fatherless homes, is a blind advocacy of continued, exponential social chaos. Shoener does this with a transparent scientism, offering hastily arranged statistics that barely clothe her radicalism and misandry.
And totalitarian.
To indict our “culture” as simply too philistine for its inclination to preserve fathers, in the face of the endless social maladies resulting from fatherless homes, is a blind advocacy of continued, exponential social chaos. Shoener does this with a transparent scientism, offering hastily arranged statistics that barely clothe her radicalism and misandry.