11 Mar 2019

The Rise Of Totalitarian Technology

By Neil HoweIs technological progress bad for human autonomy? That’s the question posed by Shoshana Zuboff in “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism,” a book that recounts the ways in which corporations and governments are using technology to influence our behavior. Zuboff is just the latest to chime in on “totalitarian technology” (or “total tech”), a term that describes devices and algorithms by which individuals forfeit their privacy and autonomy for the benefit of either themselves or some third party.
In the United States, total tech can be sorted into three different categories, or “spheres” of life: consumer services, the workplace, and government and politics.
Is there such a thing as too much technology?
Total tech is pervasive in the increasingly data-driven world of retail. Many shopping apps tap into your phone’s GPS to access your location, allowing retailers to send you advertisements the moment you’re walking past their storefront. Personalized pricing enables retailers to charge you the exact maximum that you would be willing to pay for a given product. Your personal data isn’t safe at home, either: Digital assistants like Amazon Alexa store your query history, meaning they know everything from your unique shopping history to your travel patterns to your music preferences.

Declamation In Satyricon’s School Of Rhetoric: A Gendered Perspective

Encolpius, seeking to get a dinner invitation, declaimed to the feminist professor Agamemnon at a university where a feminist declamation had just finished.
“Num alio genere Furiarum declamatores inquietantur, qui clamant:
Haec vulnera pro libertate publica excepi; hunc oculum pro vobis impendi: date mihi ducem, qui me ducat ad liberos meos, nam succisi poplites membra non sustinent
Haec ipsa tolerabilia essent, si ad eloquentiam ituris viam facerent. Nunc et rerum tumore et sententiarum vanissimo strepitu hoc tantum proficiunt ut, cum in forum venerint, putent se in alium orbem terrarum delatos. Et ideo ego adulescentulos existimo in scholis stultissimos fieri, quia nihil ex his, quae in usu habemus, aut audiunt aut vident, sed piratas cum catenis in litore stantes, sed tyrannos edicta scribentes quibus imperent filiis ut patrum suorum capita praecidant, sed responsa in pestilentiam data, ut virgines tres aut plures immolentur, sed mellitos verborum globulos, et omnia dicta factaque quasi papavere et sesamo sparsa.”
 “This surely is the same type of madness goading our professors of feminism when they disparage men for crying:

Will The Censors Win?

'As for free speech, Western society has reached the point where anyone who expresses an opinion finds themselves grovelling in apologies.  Debate is nonexistent.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Internet is seen as a savior that will take over the function of honest reporting and free speech now that the print and TV media and NPR serve as the Ministry of Propaganda.  This is true only if people migrate from Google, Facebook, Twitter, and so forth, to the alternatives that do not block content at odds with official explanations.
Unfortunately, people tend to be stuck in their ways. They are accustomed to Google, Facebook, and Twitter, don’t know of the alternatives, and if they did, are disinclined to spend their time to set up differently.
Liberal America created a society that is heavily into denunciation, a primary function of social media.  Even icons of the left are denounced when they fall behind the pace of hatred set by Identity Politics. See: https://www.rt.com/news/453482-liberal-icons-dared-express-opinion/ 
As for free speech, Western society has reached the point where anyone who expresses an opinion finds themselves grovelling in apologies.  Debate is nonexistent. A person’s opinions are fashioned for the person, who still has to be careful to express the current opinion of the moment, and not yesterday’s version or the one an hour ago. 
The result is an unsupporting milieu for truth.

Jewdas Lies Again

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: In August 2017 Jewdas,  a bunch of self- proclaimed ‘alternative’ Diaspora Jews were exposed as merely a brand of dishonest Zionist merchants. They picketed my concert at the Vortex and handed out flyers presenting a pile of fabrications and misquotes attributed to me. 
They were filmed and exposed as liars.
Watch Jewdas lying through their teeth… But Jewdas did not learn their lesson.

The Zionists, “The Skinnies” And American Democracy

'Why must it be this daughter of immigrants and refugees that steps forward to defend our most basic freedoms from the power of Zionism?'
By R Zwarich: This stunningly beautiful young woman, our fellow citizen and US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, is a very good figurehead behind whom to marshal a stand against the Orwellian totalitarianism of this Zionist attempt to equate criticism of the behavior of a nation state to ethnic discrimination. We ALL can see that this is a bald-faced Orwellian ploy to rob us of our most basic freedom of speech, our most basic democratic right, by making it ‘verboten!’ to criticize Israel.
Methinks Ole Bibi Joffrey has marched “a bridge too far”. These Zionists want to take away our most basic democratic right, our freedom of speech, to serve their cause of Zionism. This Zionist ’cause’ is currently holding millions of people under brutal martial law while it steadily steals more of their victims’ land each day.
You want my freedom of speech?
Come get it.....

J4MB Justice 4 Men & Boys: Why We’re Doubling Elizabeth Hobson’s Salary #InternationalWomensDay

By : Elizabeth Hobson, our Director of Communications, is proving to be a bigger asset to J4MB (and, in turn, the wider MHRM) than even we had anticipated. She’ll be giving a talk, as I shall, at the Chicago conference in August. I recommend you order your tickets now, I happen to know they’re selling like hot cakes.
In the space of just six days leading up to and including International Women’s Day, Elizabeth was a central figure in four activities:
Sunday, 3 March: Demonstrating with other non-feminists outside #MarchForWomen, Westminster Hall, London (video, 51:14)
Monday, 4 March: Asking women passing by the Millicent Fawcett statue in Parliament Square, London, if they agreed men and women should have equal rights (video, 16:54)
Tuesday, 5 March: Debating with a feminist in Oxford Town Hall (video, 1:33:24)
Friday, 8 March, International Wimmin’s Day: Debating with a member of the Wimmin’s Equality Party on BBC Radio Kent (audio, 8:02) – Elizabeth did very well, considering she was given outrageously little time to contribute to the discussion

Teacher Takes On Male-Bashing Respectful Relationships Propaganda

Bettina talks to a brave teacher who is speaking out about his school's biased violence programmes.