22 Dec 2020

Our Elites Learned From The Jews How To Control Explanations To Benefit Their Power And Wealth

The historian David Irving warned us 28 years ago about controlled explanations.  We paid little attention.  Seeing how easily the Jews got away with it, our ruling elites adopted the same practice...

Now everything is as controlled as the explanation of the Holocaust. - PCR

David Irving: Thank you, United States, for letting me come and speak. I mean that seriously because the fight is now getting quite creepy. For two years now, in country after country, I have been conducting this international Campaign for Real History. During this period, in country after country, I’ve come up against an international campaign against real history — an international campaign full of lies, an international campaign to suppress the truth. The truth of this campaign is quite clearly something that I had previously not wanted to believe: there is, in fact, an international force out there with an influence that transcs frontiers. Day after day, country after country, month after month, I come up against this international force.

We Told You So!

Max and Stacy look at the fact that while the mainstream media were telling you to trust the central banksters, Keiser Report had been suggesting bitcoin as an alternative. Now the largest asset managers in America are stampeding into bitcoin. This is a valuable lesson to learn as that same mainstream media that missed bitcoin tries to prevent audiences from watching content from those like Keiser Report who were right. In the second half, Max interviews ‘American Hodl’ about the great institutional stampede into bitcoin and what his forecasts are for 2021.


Paul Joseph Watson:
Pubs closed. Christmas cancelled. Borders - still open!