By Look!
Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s sexism! Forget the
spectacle of a spacecraft landing on a comet orbiting the sun
310,000,000 miles from Earth. Forget a billion taxed euros
wasted on a pointless space expedition. What’s really important is the
scantily clad women on the shirt of the guy who figured out how to do
it. Or, at least, that’s what I was astounded to be confronted with as
the top story on Google News this morning.
CNN reports:
CNN reports:
Rosetta Project scientist Matt Taylor caused a bit of a firestorm with his choice of fashion during the European Space Agency’s live stream of Wednesday’s Philae landing. Taylor initially sported a shirt featuring women in lingerie, possibly not the wisest choice of attire given all of the discussion surrounding the challenges for women in the tech and science fields.