Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
22 Jun 2012
Max Keiser Unleashed + "The Banks Are Dead" and Central Banks Manipulate Gold Markets - Chris Powell
Egypt: What is happening & what should happen? - George Galloway
Thousands of angry Egyptians have camped out in the historic square
since Wednesday, calling on the military council to quit power
immediately as the electoral authorities delayed the announcement of the
final results of the presidential run-off on Thursday as scheduled.
Egypt's election committee said on Wednesday they want to look into all
complaints from the two candidates before making an announcement. The
protesters say the move could be a sign that the Supreme Council of the
Armed Forces (SCAF) is trying to declare former premier Ahmed Shafiq the
"Mecha Green Jesus" with Marc Morano "We are not designed for the creepy bureaucrats who just ooze around on a frothing power trip"
RIO DE JANEIRO — Amid the thousands of people assembled at the United
Nations Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development calling for global
government and anti-market "solutions" to alleged planetary
"sustainability" and "biodiversity" problems, a vocal coalition of
environmental realists who refuse to buy the UN-backed agenda are
calling for some sanity — market solutions, real science, and national
sovereignty. Some have even proposed abolishing the controversial global
institution altogether.
Assange speaks out: US drums up case against me, time running out
Propaganda, Lies, and War
"WAR is a racket. It always has been." - If I asked what the cause of the American Civil War was, would your
first answer be slavery? Would it surprise you to know that slavery was
only one grievance the South had with the Lincoln administration?
James E. Miller: Up until the first bullet was fired on Fort Sumter, Abraham Lincoln
had been leading a type of economic aggression to force the South into
initiating the official version of the conflict. When Lincoln ran for
president, his platform was based on Henry Clay-inspired mercantilism
where he promised to maintain a high protective tariff that would serve
Northern industrial interests while impoverishing the South’s still
predominantly agrarian economy. This, of course, angered the South much
like it did when John Quincy Adams imposed the same type of tariff in
1828 which lead to the Nullification Crisis. With the Morrill Tariff,
which increased the tax on dutiable imports by about 70%, put in place
by President Buchanan two days before he left office, the South stood
ready to secede. After Lincoln’s inauguration, he began to maneuver the
seceding South into firing the first shot by breaking a previously
established agreement to not attempt to restock Fort Sumter. He
secretly sent troops the Fort which escalated into what turned out to be
the bloodiest war in American history. Lincoln’s close friend and
confidante Senator Orville H. Browning would go on to write in his diary:
He told me that the very first thing
placed in his hands after his inauguration was a letter from Major
Anderson announcing the impossibility of defending or relieving Sumter.
GLOBAL ELITES THROWN OUT OF ICELAND: Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov’t Then Arrests All Rothschild Banksters
the 1900′s the vast majority of the (world/) American population has dreamed
about saying “NO” to the Unconstitutional, corrupt,
Rothschild/Rockefeller banking criminals, but no one has dared to do so.
Why? If just half of our Nation, and the “1%”, who pay the majority of
the taxes, just said NO MORE! Our Gov’t would literally change over
night. Why is it so hard, for some people to understand, that by simply
NOT giving your money, to large Corporations, who then send jobs,
Intellectual Property, etc. offshore and promote anti-Constitutional
rights… You will accomplish more, than if you used violence. In other
hard? The truth of the matter is… No one, except the Icelanders, have to
been the only culture on the planet to carry out this successfully. Not
only have they been successful, at overthrowing the corrupt Gov’t,
they’ve drafted a Constitution, that will stop this from happening ever
again. That’s not the best part… The best part, is that they have
arrested ALL Rothschild/Rockefeller banking puppets, responsible for the
Country’s economic Chaos and meltdown.
Last week 9 people were arrested in London and Reykjavik for their
possible responsibility for Iceland’s financial collapse in 2008, a deep
crisis which developed into an unprecedented public reaction that is
changing the country’s direction.
It has been a revolution without weapons in Iceland, the country that
hosts the world’s oldest democracy (since 930), and whose citizens have
managed to effect change by going on demonstrations and banging pots
and pans. Why have the rest of the Western countries not even heard
about it?
Senate rejects amendment giving states the right to require GMO labeling
You will likely know all too well, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), also
known as genetically engineered (GE) or genetically modified (GM) crops
raise countless agricultural and health concerns.
Most pressing is the fact that GMOs have been linked to necrosis, significant mutations in fetal and embryonic tissues, and birth defects.
Furthermore, the big industry players like Monsanto wield massive political influence – even over the White House – and essentially act as if laws do not apply to them.
Once again, this power has surfaced in Washington, this time in the
rejection of an amendment to the 2012 Farm Bill in the Senate which
would have given states the right to demand that foods containing
genetically modified ingredients be labeled as such.
You read that right, the amendment would not require states to have products labeled, rather, it would simply allow them to demand that the products be properly labeled.
At this point, you are probably wondering what the argument against
giving people the right to know what is in their food might actually be.
Well, one argument came from the chair of the Senate Agriculture
Committee Debbie Stabenow. Stabenow claimed that it could somehow
interfere with the development of drought resistant crops.
Personally, I found this to be completely nonsensical and devoid of any and all reason.
Bob English - Free-Market Banking Technology fights the Intergalactic Monetary Mafia!
Operation twist was announced yesterday, and this has revived the
conversation about how the Fed is the only game in town...that it is the
greatest barrier to economic progress. This conversation, of course, is
taking place amidst the infighting and incompetence that renders
Congress impotent on the fiscal side.
But on the central banking and monetary side, is collaboration between central bankers forming a kind of Voltron force united in a global inflationary attack?
But on the central banking and monetary side, is collaboration between central bankers forming a kind of Voltron force united in a global inflationary attack?
Taibbi: The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia
it will go down in history as the first trial of the modern American
mafia. Of course, you won't hear the recent financial corruption case, United States of America v. Carollo, Goldberg and Grimm,
called anything like that. If you heard about it at all, you're
probably either in the municipal bond business or married to an
antitrust lawyer. Even then, all you probably heard was that a threesome
of bit players on Wall Street got convicted of obscure antitrust
violations in one of the most inscrutable, jargon-packed legal
snoozefests since the government's massive case against Microsoft in the
Nineties – not exactly the thrilling courtroom drama offered by the
famed trials of old-school mobsters like Al Capone or Anthony "Tony
Ducks" Corallo.

The defendants in the case – Dominick Carollo, Steven Goldberg and
Peter Grimm – worked for GE Capital, the finance arm of General
Electric. Along with virtually every major bank and finance company on
Wall Street – not just GE, but J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, UBS,
Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Wachovia and more – these three Wall
Street wiseguys spent the past decade taking part in a breathtakingly
broad scheme to skim billions of dollars from the coffers of cities and
small towns across America. The banks achieved this gigantic rip-off by
secretly colluding to rig the public bids on municipal bonds, a
business worth $3.7 trillion.
Entretien avec Pierre Jovanovic : chute programmée du système financier
Google translation: Pierre Jovanovic answered our questions about the financial system crisis, the collapse of the euro and the dollar versus the gold price, and gives us his analysis for the coming years.
What next in Greece? The empire strikes back, Tsipris in chains?
markets believe that the inconclusive election in Greece is simply a
way station to the next crisis. The proposed coalition has already been
sold down the river by the troika, who are saying that rejuvenated
retread premier Antonis Samaras and his cohorts can expect no
substantial deviations from the austerity program.
So there will be no early relief from record unemployment, bankrupt
hospitals, and universities whose budgets were looted to pay off
foreign bankers. Of course, this also means that there will be no change
in the appearance of hunger and distress in wide sections of the
population and the massive exit of funds to safe havens abroad.
But this is only part of a much wider picture. A clear majority of Greeks, 46% to 42% (albeit, even in a tampered election,
which is very telling), voted against the crushing austerity regime.
Yet they have ended up with a government run by the same bunch of
kleptocrats who were responsible for the crisis in the first place.
Greece is a one party state and make no mistake about it. So-called
‘New’ Democracy was a Western manipulated and controlled front set up by
the CIA and NATO in 1974, following the fall of the military junta that
seized power in 1967.
Pasok, the Pan-Hellenic Socialist Party, was the main rival on the
Left. Neither of these labels mean anything at all. They are simply
fancy wrapping for the rival Papandreou and Karamanlis clans who have
squabbled for control of the country’s scant resources for the last four
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