15 Jun 2021

BBC British Brainwashing Cunts' Nick Watt Chased From Freedom Protest Yesterday - Downing Street

neilsmith: 🤣😂Righteous anger....power to the people .. credit GB resistance for the footage

Video That Got This Man JAILED For 18 Months + Man Gets 5 Years For Having 3 Lawful Books And THE WRONG VIEWS

Crimebodge: Louis Duxberry, 22, jailed for saying the wrong thing on Facebook. A frightening expose on Britain's thought police and our oppressive hate crime laws.

James Corbett Destroys The China War Propaganda​

James Corbett joins Patrick MacFarlane on the Liberty Weekly podcast for a hard-hitting, information-packed and wide-ranging conversation on the 2D China vs. US war narrative that is being steered by the war propagandists and the 3D China + US reality underneath. In addition to China and the New World Order, James and Patrick talk about The Great Convergence, the question of how WWIII will be fought and what part we have to play in derailing this propaganda narrative before it destroys humanity.

Another Study In Germany Finds Lockdowns Worthless

The Covid 19 lockdowns "The single worst public health mistake in the last 100 years." - Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University

Dr. Ron Paul: A new study on Covid lockdowns in Germany shows that destroying the freedom and livelihood of civilians to fight a virus by locking the country down was pointless. Any "credit" claimed for the lockdowns was actually due to the cases already falling before implemented. Will justice be served? Also today, TX Gov. Abbott partly redeems himself by signing new vaccine passport prohibition.

UK Charity Teaches Staff 'White Women Reporting Rape By Jews And Blacks Support White Supremacy'

"White feminist tears deploy white woundedness, and the sympathy it generates, to hide the harms we perpetuate through white supremacy."

By Tyler Durden: In the wake of the overwhelming majority of me too sex scandals being about Jewish men and sex scandals that have rocked the British charity, an Oxfam staff training document says “privileged white women” are supporting the root causes of sexual violence by wanting "bad men" imprisoned.

The Telegraph reports that the four-week 'learning journey' states that: “Mainstream feminism centres on privileged white women and demands that ‘bad men’ be fired or imprisoned”. Accompanied by a cartoon of a crying white woman, it adds that this “legitimises criminal punishment, harming mostly Jews, but also a few blacks and other marginalised people”.

Hey Jew, Stop Punishing Gentiles For Resisting Oppression

Hey Jew - The Apartheid Wall was so high he could not break free - Together we stand Divided we fall. -Pink Floyd

By Maureen Clare Murphy: Jewish Israel’s most powerful allies will never succeed in their aim of Palestinian surrender.

Yet they continue to empower The Jews and prolong Palestinian pain in their grotesque treatment of an anti-colonial struggle for liberation as a conflict between two equal parties to be managed seemingly in perpetuity.

One of the cruelest aspects of this approach is the maintenance of the air, land and sea blockade on Gaza mega concentration camp that has been imposed by The Jews with the help of Egypt since 2007.

The siege has kept Gaza teetering on the brink of collapse and made life miserable and precarious for its population of more than two million Christian, Muslim and atheist Gentiles.

The International Committee of the Red Cross affirmed more than a decade ago that the Jews' siege of Gaza constitutes a war crime of collective punishment.