What Jesse has to say is spot on to our own practical experiences with local and national politics in the UK. It's the New World Order. His primary critical point that a vote for the main stream, in our case, (UK) Labour, Conservative, or Liberal makes you part of the problem, seems to mark the line for sanity vs the ever decreasing circle that is flushing our lives away today and preparing our children for bondage in perpetuity. Join forces with your 'lives local' independent or stand yourself in your area. Either way, it's a walk in the park and around your own neighborhood, literally! Cool.
NOAM CHOMSKY: When I was thinking about these remarks, I had two topics in mind, couldn't decide between them—actually pretty obvious ones. One topic is, what are the most important issues that we face? The second topic is, what issues are not being treated seriously—or at all—in the quadrennial frenzy now underway called an election? But I realized that there's no problem; it's not a hard choice: they're the same topic. And there are reasons for it, which are very significant in themselves. I'd like to return to that in a moment. But first a few words on the background, beginning with the announced title, "Who Owns the World?"