Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
12 Dec 2015
Feminist Epistemology Part 1: The Situated Knower - MGTOW
It Really Is Bear Stearns, All Over Again + Market Panics As "China's Warren Buffett" Detained In "Richter Scale 9 Event"
On June 22, 2007, Bear Stearns pledged a collateralized loan of up to $3.2 billion to "bail out" one of its funds, the Bear Stearns High-Grade Structured Credit Fund, while negotiating with other banks to loan money against collateral to another fund, the Bear Stearns High-Grade Structured Credit Enhanced Leveraged Fund. CEO James Cayne and other senior executives worried about the damage to the company's reputation. The funds were invested in thinly traded collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). Merrill Lynch seized $850 million worth of the underlying collateral but only was able to auction $100 million of them. The incident sparked concern of contagion as Bear Stearns might be forced to liquidate its CDOs, prompting a mark-down of similar assets in other portfolios. Richard A. Marin, a senior executive at Bear Stearns Asset Management responsible for the two hedge funds, was replaced on June 29 by Jeffrey B. Lane, a former Vice Chairman of rival investment bank, Lehman Brothers.
10 Things More Likely To Kill You Than Islamic Terror
“I am not terrified of the terrorists; i.e., I am not, myself, terrorized. Rather, I am terrified of the terrorized; terrified of the bovine masses who are so easily manipulated by terrorists, governments, and the terror-amplifying media into allowing our country to slip toward totalitarianism and total war.” – Dan Sanchez
By Carey Wedler (ANTIMEDIA): Guided by talking heads, American armchair warriors spout vitriol, increasingly calling to either treat Muslims like Jews in the Third Reich or simply bomb them into oblivion — and their cognitive dissonance is glaring. These contradictions are evident not least in the paralyzing fear so many ‘Mericans feel toward Muslims who courageously call for soldiers to do their bidding in the Middle East. Their crippling fear of Islamic terror, itself, is cloaked in contradiction.
According to an analysis by the New America Foundation, Islamic terror attacks in the United States have led to the deaths of 45 people since 9/11. While 45 deaths is 45 too many, the dizzying fear of Islamic extremism currently sweeping the nation is objectively overblown.
Considering Islamic terror killing an average of 3.2 Americans per year (45 deaths divided by 14 years) since late 2001, here are ten causes of death more worthy of their fear:
By Carey Wedler (ANTIMEDIA): Guided by talking heads, American armchair warriors spout vitriol, increasingly calling to either treat Muslims like Jews in the Third Reich or simply bomb them into oblivion — and their cognitive dissonance is glaring. These contradictions are evident not least in the paralyzing fear so many ‘Mericans feel toward Muslims who courageously call for soldiers to do their bidding in the Middle East. Their crippling fear of Islamic terror, itself, is cloaked in contradiction.
According to an analysis by the New America Foundation, Islamic terror attacks in the United States have led to the deaths of 45 people since 9/11. While 45 deaths is 45 too many, the dizzying fear of Islamic extremism currently sweeping the nation is objectively overblown.
Considering Islamic terror killing an average of 3.2 Americans per year (45 deaths divided by 14 years) since late 2001, here are ten causes of death more worthy of their fear:
Karen's Open Response To SFU's Feminist Constituency...
These Feminists Think They Speak For Women Against Feminism
Glorification Of Men’s Love Abjection
By Douglas Galbi: Since late in the nineteenth century, learned scholars have intensely and earnestly deliberated various historical and technical issues associated with medieval European poésie lyrique and amour courtois. This deliberation, though courteous, has been heated and pointed. Scholarly reputations have risen and fallen in the verbal battles. Just as in war generally, almost all the persons fighting in this field of medieval scholarship have been men. Consistent with the gynocentrism typical of primates, all the leading men have glorified men’s love abjection and men’s love servitude to women.
Narrow historical and technical disputes about amour courtois have obscured broad scholarly endorsement of men’s love abjection and men’s love servitude to women. Claims about medieval European poésie lyrique have been qualified to amour courtois. The latter, however, has been identified as an anachronistic term. Fin d’amor has thus among scholars become a more reputable term for amour courtois. Being French, amour courtois is more stylish than “courtly love.” Both terms are etymologically related to being classy.

Australian Feminist Clementine Ford Is A Fraud
By Lee Turner: “Clementine Ford is a freelance writer, broadcaster and public speaker based in Melbourne. She writes on feminism, pop culture and social issues.” So reads her profile on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s website.
On December 1st, major Australian news outlets reported that Ford has been receiving a torrent of abuse online for earlier reporting a man to his employer for making sexist comments to her and racist jokes elsewhere. The man’s employment was terminated as a result and a secret Facebook community was set up by other women “in support” of Ford. Their aim: to report other men with the aim of causing harm to their reputation and livelihood.
There is no question that the original man’s comment was inappropriate and that he should not have advertised his place of employment before commenting. However, it does not justify Ford’s actions resulting in his dismissal, seeing that he was not representing his employer when he spoke, as well as the fact that plenty of other, less drastic measures were available to her, such as the Facebook block function or police mediation. Two wrongs do not make a right.
On December 1st, major Australian news outlets reported that Ford has been receiving a torrent of abuse online for earlier reporting a man to his employer for making sexist comments to her and racist jokes elsewhere. The man’s employment was terminated as a result and a secret Facebook community was set up by other women “in support” of Ford. Their aim: to report other men with the aim of causing harm to their reputation and livelihood.
There is no question that the original man’s comment was inappropriate and that he should not have advertised his place of employment before commenting. However, it does not justify Ford’s actions resulting in his dismissal, seeing that he was not representing his employer when he spoke, as well as the fact that plenty of other, less drastic measures were available to her, such as the Facebook block function or police mediation. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Why Did Anonymous Declare War On Donald Trump?
On Monday, Trump called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
Feminist Trouble
Camille Paglia assesses the parlous state of today’s feminism.
By Camille Paglia: It’s doubtful whether Camille Paglia – cultural critic, academic and the author of several acclaimed books including, most recently, Glittering Images: A Journey Through Art from Egypt to Star Wars – has ever pulled a punch. Since she burst on to the cultural scene in the 1990s, following the publication of Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson – as she put it, the ‘most X-rated academic book ever written’ – Paglia has been a trenchant, principled voice in the Culture Wars, attacking, with one hand, the anti-sex illiberalism of her feminist peers, while, with the other, laying waste to the trendy, pomo relativism infecting the academy.
Above all, Paglia, who some have called the anti-feminist feminist, has remained a staunch defender of individual freedom. She has argued against laws prohibiting pornography, drugs and abortion. And, when political correctness was cutting a swathe through a host of institutions during the 1990s, she stood firmly on the side of free speech. So, what does she make of the political and cultural state of feminism today? What does she think of the revival of anti-sex sentiment among young feminists, their obsession with policing language, and their wholehearted embrace of victimhood? As spiked’s Ella Whelan discovered, Paglia’s convictions burn as brightly as ever…
By Camille Paglia: It’s doubtful whether Camille Paglia – cultural critic, academic and the author of several acclaimed books including, most recently, Glittering Images: A Journey Through Art from Egypt to Star Wars – has ever pulled a punch. Since she burst on to the cultural scene in the 1990s, following the publication of Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson – as she put it, the ‘most X-rated academic book ever written’ – Paglia has been a trenchant, principled voice in the Culture Wars, attacking, with one hand, the anti-sex illiberalism of her feminist peers, while, with the other, laying waste to the trendy, pomo relativism infecting the academy.
Above all, Paglia, who some have called the anti-feminist feminist, has remained a staunch defender of individual freedom. She has argued against laws prohibiting pornography, drugs and abortion. And, when political correctness was cutting a swathe through a host of institutions during the 1990s, she stood firmly on the side of free speech. So, what does she make of the political and cultural state of feminism today? What does she think of the revival of anti-sex sentiment among young feminists, their obsession with policing language, and their wholehearted embrace of victimhood? As spiked’s Ella Whelan discovered, Paglia’s convictions burn as brightly as ever…
Milo Yiannopoulos on Safe Spaces, Feminist Myths & Trolling
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