22 Jul 2020

Jewish Bankers Fomented The US "Civil War"

'There was enough resulting anger in the air to generate the desire in men to kill each other, an essential ingredient of war — exactly what the financiers behind this “literary” production wanted.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: In my last two columns, sufficient evidence was provided that the Lincoln regime was an unconstitutional war crime regime and that the so-called “civil war” was an act of northern aggression against the South initiated by Lincoln for the  purpose of saving the Union. See: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/07/20/the-cause-of-the-so-called-civil-war/
and   https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/07/21/how-lincoln-destroyed-the-united-states/ 
Slavery was not an issue. 
The Southern states seceded because the Republicans passed a high tariff.
For the North the issue was perserving the empire (saving the Union).
Now comes defense attorney and former public prosecuter John Remington Graham.  Was there a deeper underlying cause, an agenda unbeknown to the southern states and perhaps also to Lincoln?  Graham puts forward an intriguing thesis that bankers spent a decade fomenting hatred between North and South in order to provoke a war that would greatly increase federal debt, which the banks could acquire and use as reserves to support the issuance of money and credit.  Federal debt would become the reserve basis (like gold) for the expansion of the money supply. This power would give bankers control of the government.

John Cleese On Cultural Marxism: Society Is Now Controlled By The Most Touchy, Emotionally Unstable & Fragile People

Cancel culture "misunderstands the main purposes of life which is to have fun"...
Tyler Durden: Former Monty Python and Fawlty Towers star John Cleese has had enough of political correctness and the cancel culture, and as for the state of the "dysfunctional world we live in," warning that "it's completely hopeless...".
As for the sense of hopelessness he feels, Cleese blames the “power seekers.”

The Nation Of Islam On The US Black Revolution

'The Devil [aka the Jews] is mad!
...Get your hands off of our people Devil!'
Final Call: Webcast streamed from The Nation of Islam's headquarters Mosque Maryam, Chicago, IL. This video features a message from Student Minister Ava Muhammad, National Spokesperson for The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.