13 Apr 2020

World Health Organization (WHO) Is Controlled By Bill 'The Global Male Genital Mutilation Messiah' Gates & Big Pharma

WHO is a bought -and -paid -for organization that serves Gates’ vaccine agenda and Big Pharma’s profits
Image: Bill Gates paid millions in an attempt to normalise Jewish male infant ritual genital mutilation MGM by conning over 600,000 African men and boys into being genitally mutilated by promising that they would be protected from AIDS

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Are NIH and CDC also under the giant thumb of Bill Gates & Big Pharma? 
WHO representative Catherine Smallwood just repeated on TV in Belgium a massive lie contrary to all scientific knowledge about Covid-19. The mouthpiece for Gates & Big Pharma said that there is no aerosol transmission of the virus.  
For Bill Gates and Big Pharma, science is in their way and has to be denied, discredited, and truth-telling scientists cut off from research money.

Here is a statement of the scientific fact that Covid-19 has aerosol transmission:


I’ve been a so-called coward and a so-called hero and there’s not the thickness of a sheet of paper between them. Maybe cowards and heroes are just ordinary men who, for a split second, do something out of the ordinary. That’s all.
Joseph Conrad- Lord Jim
By Mark Dent: My brother Stu and I have always been fascinated and obsessed by the concept of courage. On returning from a trip to South Africa, Stu informed me he had a special gift for me which was delayed due to it being placed in quarantine in Perth. Was it a wild beast? No. It was a Zulu shield hand crafted by a Zulu and made from raw cowhide. It hangs on my wall to this day-a glorious symbol of so much. Courage, brotherhood, childhood memories and passion.

Holy Mother Rachel Weeping For The Massacre Of Innocents: Boys

About two millennia ago, the tyrant Herod heard that a boy had been born who would overthrow tyranny’s reign. Herod’s primitive surveillance method wisely didn’t reveal the boy’s location. The learned Roman poet Prudentius four centuries later wrote:
Crazed at the news, the tyrant shouts:
“My successor looms, I’m thrown out —
guards, go, take your swords,
drench the cradles in blood!

Every male infant shall die:
search the nurses’ bosoms,
and at his mother’s breast,
redden your sword with boy’s blood.

UK PM Boris Bounces Back!

"The anti-semitism scandal in labour was a wholly internally manufactured [Jewish lobby] lie, one of the biggest lies in history. ...The whole thing was an attempt of political assassination, which in the end was successful [v Corbyn]."

The Global "Corona Curve"