Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
11 Sept 2018
Reality Of Creditor Jubilees
Americans Need Social Media Guided By The Rights Enshrined In The U.S. Constitution
"Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime." Potter Stewart.

You can point out he still has his radio show and website, and this is unquestionably true, but when it comes to the everyday tools most people interact with to receive information and communicate in 2018, Alex Jones has been thrown down the memory hole. Not because he was convicted of a crime or broke any laws, but because corporate executives decided he crossed an arbitrary line of their own creation.
To prove the point that tech oligarchs are acting in a completely arbitrary and subjective manner, let me highlight the following tweet.
Bill Burr Thinks Women Are Overrated
No-Confidence Motions Passed Against Leading Zionist Shill Blairite UK MPs
A no-confidence motion, against Blairite Labour MP, Joan Ryan, who chairs the Zionist Labour Friends of Israel
(LFI) and has been at the forefront of the campaign
to oust Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
(LFI) and has been at the forefront of the campaign
to oust Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
By Paul Mitchell: Cheers greeted the passing of a no-confidence motion, by 94 votes to 92, on Thursday night at a meeting of Enfield North Labour Party against Blairite Labour MP, Joan Ryan. Ryan, who chairs the Zionist Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), has been at the forefront of the campaign to oust Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Ever since the failed 2016 leadership putsch against Corbyn, Ryan has been at the centre of the destabilisation campaign involving MI5, Mossad and the Central Intelligence Agency against the Labour leader. Her speciality is fabricating accusations of anti-Semitism against Corbyn and his supporters. The goal is to discredit socialism in the hope of preventing any challenge by the working class to austerity and the escalating pursuit of militarism and war in the Middle East and globally.
To Protect Abortion, Women Must Give Up The Right To Vote

Hmmmm. Men will abide by gun laws, but women absolutely will not abide by abortion laws? By what mechanism, I wonder, are women thought to be more criminal? A failure of character? Intelligence? Understanding? Personality? So many questions ….
Jews And Gentiles
'Zionism has been successful on many fronts. It managed to form a Jewish state at the expense of the indigenous people of Palestine. ...But Israel is a state like no other. It is institutionally racist and murderous. ...No other people have so intensely and institutionally engaged in the suppression of other people’s freedom of speech.'
By Gilad Atzmon: Early Zionism was a significant and glorious moment in Jewish history; a moment of dramatic epiphany fueled by self-loathing. The early Zionists promised to save the Jews from the Jew and to liberate the Jew from the Jews. They were disgusted by the Diaspora non-proletarian urban Jewish culture which they regarded as parasitic. They promised to bond the new Hebrews with labour and soil. They were convinced that they could transform what they saw as a greedy capitalist into a new ‘Israelite hard working peasant.’ They believed that they could make the ‘international cosmopolitan’ into a nationalist patriot, they believed that they knew how to convert Soros into a kibbutznik: they were certain that it was within their capacity to make Alan Dershowitz into a Uri Avneri and Abe Foxman into a peacenik. They promised to make Jews into people like all other people while failing to realize that no other people really want to resemble others.
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