The tax-free living Christine Lagarde, an unelected official, waving the flag for French banks while harassing Greek citizens while Silvio Berlusconi's 'pleasure chest' drives up the bunga bunga market. In the second half of the show Max talks to Hugo Salinas Price who appeals to Alexis Tsipras to default then bring a silver standard to Greece. Source
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
31 May 2012
Volcker Urges Global Financial System Overhaul with More Power to the IMF!? - Mike Krieger
"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks." – Lord Acton
My Take: This is a very important article from Bloomberg. Paul Volcker, who is known for crushing inflation in the early 1980′s by spiking interest rates into the double digits, is seen in many circles as perhaps the best U.S. Central Banker of the modern era. As a guy who was willing to take the hard steps to avoid a dollar collapse and restore America back on a path to prosperity. That is the myth. Reality is a lot different. Besides the fact that his actions merely created a temporary respite on the terminal path of the fiat dollar, all that happened from the early 80′s until now was the blowing up of the biggest credit and derivatives bubble in human history. A ponzi scheme of counterfeit money so monstrous that nothing short of a total reset of the global monetary and financial system globally will suffice to end this nightmare. The fact that the “problems” keep resurfacing is simply a function of our failure to reset the system. Until that happens, nothing will ever get better on a consistent basis.
In any event, the title of this article makes Volcker sound like he is really in favor of a system overhaul, yet if you read it you realize that is not the case. He is merely calling for tweaks here and there and seems to even be calling for MORE power in the hands of bureaucrats and Central Bankers. (Just another bankster.)
Jim Rogers: Global Economic Shocks Coming in 2013-2014
The latest G-8 meeting in Camp David was focused on saving Europe from its economic nightmares. World leaders discussed Greece and its severe debt crisis, trying to figure out how to save the eurozone. The Great Recession struck the world nearly four years ago, but the aftershock is still being felt. And it's unclear when the economy will finally start to recover, and where its new center will emerge. So are there any signs of light at the end of the tunnel? RT talks to one of the insiders of the world financial elite, co-founder of the Quantum Fund, Jim Rogers. Source
The Federal Reserve is spreading fiscal baloney among Americans
By Rick Murphy: The Federal Reserve has been assuring the Americans about the perfection of the US economy.
The Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has been proven to be dead wrong time and again. However, still many Americans, investors across the world and of course the mainstream media seem to show confidence in what the Fed says.
Editor’s note: Keep in mind, this is the same Federal Reserve which has conflicts of interest so blatant and massive (as exposed by a Government Accountability Office audit) that trusting them at their word is nothing short of absurd.
The Federal Reserve is of the opinion that the stubbornly high unemployment rate will go down, the economic growth will steadily increase and the inflation will decrease.
With such assurances about the economy, do you believe them this time?
It doesn’t seem to bother them that the officials of the Federal Reserve have been lying to the people for years. The majority of Americans seem to want to believe blindly in the Federal Reserve, even when reasoning and logic would speak against it.
The actual fact is that there is nothing better that is going to happen to the US economy. The fiscal markets are again going to crash and the unemployment rate will again shoot up, but you will never hear the same comments from the Federal Reserve.
Faux Delusional Warmongering Israeli Leaders continue to spout Death Propaganda from their Nazi Gulag
By Madison Ruppert: Despite the fact that the Israeli military chief clearly stated just last month that Iran has not even decided to build a nuclear weapon and U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has clearly said that Iran is not developing a nuclear weapon on more than one occasion, and even the U.S. intelligence community agrees that there is no evidence to show that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon, some Israeli leaders refuse to accept the truth.
One such individual who continues to refuse to recognize reality is Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Ya’alon. Ya’alon made this very clear at a conference held by the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in nonsensically claiming that while nations are attempting to hold meaningful talks with Iran, the Iranian government is actually “laughing all the way to a bomb.”
Keep in mind, Ya’alon is the same person who openly promoted supporting terrorism targeting Iran at the Herzliya Conference earlier this year. To be fair, Ya’alon is far from alone in this position as former mayor of New York City Rudolph Giuliani has also expressed support for terrorism as a way to stop the imaginary Iranian nuclear weapons program. Ya’alon claimed – again without any evidence whatsoever unless you give a terrorist group who provides unsubstantiated and unreliable reports credence – that Iran “continues to strive for a nuclear weapon since it is not convinced the West is seriously contemplating a military strike against its facilities,” as reported by Haaretz.
It is also worth mentioning that this same terrorist group was, according to U.S. officials quoted anonymously, trained to conduct their terrorist activity in Iran by the Israeli Mossad, while other reports indicate that they were also trained on U.S. soil.
Choosing who lives and who dies: the methodical assassinations of Barack Obama's 'kill list'

Those “nominated” for assassination (yes, “nominated” is apparently the official word) are placed on a “kill list” that passes directly to Barack Obama. He then exercises the judgment of Solomon, going through the list name by name and deciding who will die. The CIA’s drones are then programmed to dispatch the President’s chosen targets.
SEC: Taking on Big Firms is 'Tempting,' But We Prefer Whaling on Little Guys - Matt Taibbi
If you want to see a perfect example of how completely broken our regulatory system is, look no further than a speech that Daniel Gallagher, one of the S.E.C.’s commissioners, recently gave in Denver, Colorado.
It’s a speech whose full lunacy is hard to grasp without some background.

The S.E.C.’s failure to make even one case against a high-ranking executive involved in the mass frauds leading to the 2008 crash – compare this to the comparatively much smaller and less serious S&L crisis twenty years earlier, when the government made 1,100 criminal cases and sent 800 bank officials to jail – became so conspicuous that by the end of last year, the “No prosecutions of top figures” idea became an accepted meme in mainstream news media coverage of the economic crisis.
Bill Black: Uninvited for "Bank Bashing"
A News Hope - RAP NEWS 13 "We the People are the Enemy!"
Capital Account TV Exclusive Interview of CBO Mortgage Fraud Whistleblower!
A story you may have not heard before, from a person that you have definitely not heard from before. It's a story about America's financial crisis, its mortgage crisis, and the foreclosure fraud that enveloped the United States during the past decade. That person is Lan T. Pham, the famous CBO whistleblower who was fired from her job for telling the truth about systemic fraud and corruption in America's mortgage market and financial system.
Rockefellers Support Gold Standard? - SilverFuturist and JackieO
Bill Still says that the Rockefellers financed Ludwig von Mises:
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