10 Jun 2021

Great Reseters Prep Cyber Scamdemic

Corbett: Tokyo braces for the Olympics; the world braces for Cyber Polygon; and some not-unmitigated good news leads us into the summer break.

Women Can't Count On Women - Now That Men Are Gone


Why can’t women admit fault? - Without humility. - Women are alone out there now. - There is no sisterhood. - Chess. - Demoralised through lies. - Women are afraid of other women.

The Jews Bombed Gaza Survivors Back To Stone Age Again

One objective of The Jews' 11-day bombing campaign behind "The Apartheid Walls" in Gaza mega concentration camp for indigenous Gentiles last month was to Send The Gentiles back to The Stone Age again. - During The Jews' laser guided missile attacks, more than 250 Palestinians were blown to pieces, including at least 67 little children. - In addition, Jewish Israel inflicted material losses to infrastructure and homes of hundreds of millions of dollars, according to initial estimates.

“This is destruction,” Muhammad Abu Halima, the director of a factory in Gaza said. - “They destroyed our economy, our families, they’ve ruined the workers, the accountants, the companies, the employees. What did they get out of it?”

Via Feminism And Cultural Marxism The Western World Has Repudiated Itself

'It was only yesterday that what today poses as “anti-racism” was considered racist segregation.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: People were amazed that in 1962 Andy Warhol was able to sell a picture of a Campbell’s soup can for $11,700,000.

Italian Salvatore Garau has put over an even greater hoax on the art world.  He just sold an “invisible” sculpture, that is, one that does not exist, for $18,300.  In other words, he sold nothing for $18,300.  At least Warhol had a soup can.

The art world is a world in which sophisticated 'liberals' live. For them it is sophistication to lay out almost $12 million — a sum that exceeds the lifetime earnings of practically everyone on earth—for an exact rendition of a soup can that they could have purchased in a food store for $1.  

That was then.  With the growth of sophistication, they now shell out $18 grand for nothing at all.  Garau announced that he had an invisible sculpture for sale and someone paid him an average American shelf-stocker annual income for it.

But more is to come. A white teacher who taught Spanish has decided, after struggling and grappling “with my internalized white supremacy,” that it is racist for a white person to teach a language of color.  To make amends she cancelled herself.

BANNED By YouTube - Having The Courage To See The System And Create A New One - Jason Bosch And Jason Liosatos

Jason Liosatos: My talk with Jason Bosch about creating a new system by recognising and replacing the old one.