4 Sept 2020

Jewish Land Theft Project 'Israel' Set Up Front Company To Conceal Its Actions Around The World

Genocidal Jewidh 'Israel' apartheid terror regime set up a company called “Concert” so that individuals and groups around the world could conceal the funding they received from the Jews to promote projects aimed at improving Jewish Israel’s image as the most reprihensible group in the world. Americans doing this would be violating US law. Will the Jews be investigated? Will Jewish controlled Western media report this to the Gentiles?
By Noa Landau: The minutes of the steering committee for a front company established by the Strategic Affairs Ministry in the fight for “mass awareness” against the “delegitimization” of Jewish Israel show which projects were funded and the initiative’s failure to raise the amount of donations it promised.
[Editor’s note: the “mass awareness” that concerns Jewish Israel is the growing knowledge around the world about the Jews' massive human rights violations.]