Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
31 Dec 2014
The Self Attribution Fallacy - Do Rich People Deserve To Be Rich?
2014: Rape Culture On The Ropes
By Jim Byset: When Jaclyn Friedman entered the atrium of the Queen’s University Biosciences Complex on April 8, 2014, she did so like a visiting dignitary. At the university to deliver a guest lecture, Friedman walked briskly and upright, pausing briefly to look at some artwork here and there, nodding gently during conversation, all the while radiating a reserved enthusiasm—much like what one would expect of royalty. Just like any dignitary, she was escorted by eager volunteers, and just like any dignitary, she had a security detail.
While Friedman is a somewhat popular figure in the feminist community, she is by no means generally popular. The overwhelming majority of people—including students—likely have no idea who she is; she does not in any sense enjoy the sort of popularity that would send legions of shrieking fans armed with autograph books and smartphones to book signings or lectures. She’s known by other feminists. That’s about it.

2014 Year of Bubbles - "Evolution Of Planet Ponzi"
Child Denied Her Father By Family Court
Greece Dissolves Parliament For January Snap Election + Greeks Pull 2.5 Billion Euros From Banks In December
International Men's Movement: The Pain in Spain
"What the fuck is wrong with (misandric) Spain?" Paul Elam.
Starting in the wee hours of the morning US, AVFM is launching a twice-monthly hangout geared for those interested in things European. Paul Elam will be co-hosting with Lucian Valsan, director of AVFM multisite operations, and host of the Voice of Europe.
Russia Slams UNSC Rejection Of Palestine State Resolution
25 Men Bullshitting About Male Privilege - Part 2
Are You Ready To Be A Misogynist?
"Are men obsolete?" is a question about appliances, not about human beings. johntheother
US Government Most Corrupt On Earth
What Will Make Politicians Take Notice?
"We are farmed, our food is farmed, ...We need to educate ourselves." The need for alternative ways to campaign are discussed. Russell Brand
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