Computing Forever
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
25 Mar 2023
They Want Ukraine DESTROYED And Putin Is Ready
Redacted: Chinese President Xi Jinping completed his first day of visits in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the two leaders seem to be getting along swimmingly, with the West watching closely. The U.S. has begun ramping up accusations that China is considering sending lethal weapons to Russia although National Security spokesperson John Kirby admitted that “the U.S. has no evidence China has done so.” China and Russia are continuously warning about NATO aggression and NATO is giving them reason to by signaling that they will amass 300,000 troops along Russia's borders.
Feminism Against Progress, Part 1
This is the first part of a review of Feminism Against Progress by Mary Harrington. This first part addresses the overall import of the book. The second part will make more detailed observations on specific topics.
By William Collins aka MRA-UK: Read all about it! Feminist discovers the sexes are not the same!
Are we supposed to be grateful for this revelation?
But wait – there’s more…
Feminist discovers that the Patriarchy was not all bad for women!
Progress (as in “Progressive”) is not actually a good thing for women!
Crucify her! Off with the heretic’s head!
OK, I apologise. I should not descend to such sarcasm. But really, it’s hard to take.
It’s as if a lunatic who has insisted for decades that he’s Napoleon suddenly writes a book chastising us all for believing it.
Err…we didn’t, Mary.
Vaccinated Countries Have Highest EXCESS DEATH Rates – New Study
Jimmy Dore: A new study covered by retired English nursing professor John Campbell has demonstrated a correlation between countries with high COVID vaccination levels and excess mortality. The study has not been peer reviewed, but if its results hold up to scrutiny, the likelihood that these vaccines have actually driven up death rates will be a huge scandal. Or at least it should be.
Mystery Object Found Near Nord Stream Pipelines Could Point To Culprit
'It was a CIA and US Navy covert operation.'
By Tyler Durden: Russia says it is supporting efforts to recover forensic evidence from the underwater site of the Nord Stream sabotage blasts, which may provide clues as to the culprit behind it. Images of a new mystery object have emerged, with Moscow saying it is vitally important that it be carefully examined.The Kremlin in a Friday briefing called the recovery and examination of the object "critically important" as it has been discovered lying next to one of the damaged Nord Stream pipelines.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said during a daily briefing: "It is critically important to determine what kind of object it is, whether it is related to this terrorist act - apparently it is - and to continue this investigation. And this investigation must be transparent."
The Danish Energy Agency has invited the Russia's Gazprom (owner of Nord Stream 2 AG) to assist in salvaging the mystery object. It was actually Putin who was the first to publicly reference the object and ongoing investigative efforts to ascertain what it is, per the AFP:
Hungary Will Not Arrest Putin, Blasts ICC Warrant, While South Africa Seeks Legal Advice
In the summer, Putin is due to visit South Africa, an ICC signatory...
By Tyler Durden: Following the International Criminal Court (ICC) last Friday issuing an arrest warrant for President Vladimir Putin, Hungary says it will not arrest the Russian head of state if he were to enter the country.
He noted the Hungarian government has not yet "formed a stance" on the question of the ICC's arrest warrant. But resistance to the possibility of arresting Putin is no surprise when it comes to Hungary, given Orban's consistent warnings that NATO is "drifting" toward war with Russia, and that this steady escalation needs to be stopped.
Gulyas referenced this stance in his Friday remarks, explaining, "These decisions are not the most fortunate as they take things towards further escalation and not towards peace, this is my personal subjective opinion."
National Embarrassment: Saudi TV Mocks Biden In Skit
Saudi MBC TV comedy program made a skit on Joe Biden.
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) March 23, 2023
The Jews' Anti-Gentile Apartheid Regime Israel's Hacking & Disinfo Team Caught Meddling In Elections Around The World
One of the team’s services is a software package that controls thousands of fake social media profiles on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram, Gmail, Instagram and YouTube
Some of the disinformation operations appear to have operated through an Israel regime company registered on a website run by the Israel Ministry of Defense
The team can also penetrate Telegram and Gmail accounts
By Stephanie Kirchgaessner, Manisha Ganguly, David Pegg, Carole Cadwalladr, and Jason Burke: A team of Jews who claim to have manipulated more than 30 elections around the world using hacking, sabotage and automated disinformation on social media has been exposed in a new investigation.