'The Gene-based “Vaccines” are Killing People.
Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations
They Purportedly Serve'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Dear Readers, There is no longer any doubt that scientific information provided by renowned experts is being suppressed in order to protect the false Covid and vaccine narratives.
The medical bureaucrats, politicians, and presstitutes tell us that the Covid vaccine provides a high level of protection and that the new cases or “delta variant” are among the unvaccinated. This is a blatant lie contradicted by official reports from all over the world. We know for an absolute indisputable fact that 75% of what are labeled “new cases,” “breakthrough cases,” “delta variant,” are among the fully vaccinated. We also have from the vaccine adverse reactions databases that deaths and illnesses associated with the vaccines are rapidly rising. A number of highly credible experts say that the alleged delta variant is actually the illnesses caused by the vaccine.